We all want the best for our family’s health. One of the easiest ways to help? Fresh food. Most of us know why healthy food is so important, but why is it so important that it’s fresh? Today, we share the importance of fresh food for your family and some…

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Sometimes the thought of getting your children eating a decent serving of vegetables can seem impossible. Dinner time is stressful enough without having to think of new tricks to sneak some veggies into their meals without them noticing. So sit back and let us do the hard work for you…

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Busy Peas offer a selection of unique clothing and books for little ones which all introduce babies and toddlers to fruit and veg from an early age.We were sent a few samples from the range to try out – a scrumptious Tomato print all in one, and 4 toddler books. The…

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I don’t know about you, but I sometimes struggle to pack tasty and interesting things in the childrens packed lunches. So when we were sent some Crosse & Blackwell 4Kids fruit pots to try out, we were over the moon – a fun new lunchbox idea! The pots contain a portion of…

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Max is now almost 19 weeks old, and on the advice of our paediatrician, weaning has begun. HUGE step, and yet another sign my boy is growing up far too fast for my liking! I wondered how Max would take to weaning. He loves his milk, and I was unsure…

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