Fundraising is a fun way to bring people together all for a good cause. Whether there is a challenge involved, an opportunity to see someone involuntary discomfort or purely to join in the fun, it is always best when charity benefits at the end of the day. If you, like…

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There is nothing more important to a community than the education of its children. Educators have always had to scrape by in order to provide the tools the children need. Even in districts where the local government holds education in top regard, there are always budget concerns. When those time…

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I don’t know about you, but I am sick of New Years resolutions. They just don’t work for me – I end up making a huge list of all the things I want to change, and by February I have given up on most, if not all, of them.  So…

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Your child’s education is extremely important, so you want to be involved to ensure that your child is getting the best education possible. Working with school administrators and teachers will allow you to get to know what their programs are like, and you can also offer up tips and advice…

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  When you’re looking for something to do with your kids over the summer, it’s worth thinking about the benefits of getting involved with a charity fundraising campaign. This is a great way to alert children to social concerns that go beyond the family, and encourage them to take an…

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