Another week, another project 365 post. It’s been another busy week, with lots going on. Day 131 – Max got a new ride-on toy for his birthday and he loves it! Day 132 – The sun makes an appearance and the school shorts come out! Day 133 – A whole…

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Max is one. Utter madness – it doesn’t seem more than a few months ago I was telling people baby number 3 was on the way – and now that baby is fast on the way to being a toddler.In the last week or 2, Max has really changed. His…

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It’s been another crazy and hectic week. I’m not going to lie – it’s been tough. Our house sale fell through so despite the fact that we had already upped and moved 300 miles to Lincolnshire, money dictates that we move back to Devon – and so on Friday that’s…

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This is our last week in our current home – in 3 days time we move 300 miles. I am nervous, excited and terrified in equal measures, and I can’t wait for us to be settled again.  This week has been a mixture of sunshine, packing and a very special…

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The Easter weekend is upon us, and I am planning lots of lovely family time. Kevin has 2 days off work over Easter, so we will be making the most of it before he heads up to Lincolnshire on Monday to start his new job. We will be following him…

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