Well – it’s been a mad couple of weeks! Last time I wrote a project 365 post I was talking about it being the beginning of June, and how that was exciting because I was due a baby at the end of June.  That’s not quite what happened. On 3rd…

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As you are reading this post our lovely Kate will, with any luck, be settling into a fuzzy, breast milk soaked, sleep deprived haze of newborn squishiness.  Bringing home a new sibling is a big deal in any family. It takes time to adjust to new routines and new roles.…

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Where can you find the most delightful scent in the whole world? You don’t need to travel too far. It’s not an exotic tropical flower or Hummingbird Cake. You can’t pick it or eat it. Here’s what you do: Hold a happy baby face-forward. Lean in and breathe deeply into…

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