What you will discover as an expectant mother The fetal development is an incredible history to learn about. Did you know that your baby is moving from the 8th week? You won’t be able to feel it yet, as he is the size of a bean, but it is still…

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No one expects having a baby to be easy, but it can sometimes be surprising just how hard it is to get them to sleep through an entire night. Babies are restless creatures by nature, but you can help tame their tossing and turning with a few simple changes to your bedtime…

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Having a baby is one of the most beautiful experiences that you can go through in life. There is nothing quite like it – and it makes you appreciate life that much more the moment your baby is born. However, having a baby is not for everyone – this is…

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Eliza is 2 now, and thankfully the days of sleepless nights and endless crying are more or less behind us. But I can remember them well. There were days when I couldn’t put her down, days when she screamed no matter which position you held her in, nights when I…

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Welcome to the latest instalment in my Birth Stories feature. Today Lisa from Mummy Gummie tells the tale of her emergency caesarean section. I was over my due date by 4 days when we went into delivery suite for reduced foetal movements on Saturday night. Although the heart rate trace (CTG) was fine, as…

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