How to create a special bond with your baby during pregnancy

What you will discover as an expectant mother

The fetal development is an incredible history to learn about. Did you know that your baby is moving from the 8th week? You won’t be able to feel it yet, as he is the size of a bean, but it is still amazing. His development is practically achieved at the end of the 10th week. Imagine that he has nails by that time! But, for me, the most exciting time starts during the fourth month. This is the moment when your baby will start to hear. First he will hear ultrasounds, his mum’s voice, her stomach noises; then he will be able to hear his father’s voice, and any other sound from the outside. This is the moment when you’ll be able to start building a special bond with him.


How to build a close relationship with baby during your pregnancy

Yes ladies, the pregnancy is definitely the best time to start creating memories with your baby. As a mum to be, your attention is often focused on your unborn child. Good news for you; I know the perfect way to communicate with him; – it is called a harmony ball. As an angel caller, this pendant has a little bell hidden inside, which makes a soft sound every time you’re moving. Wearing it from the 4th month will make your baby used to this sound, and will calm him down. Therefore, even after his birth, your baby will recognise and appreciate this lovely sound. You can sew it inside a favourite blanket or toy so that the harmony ball continues to soothe him.

Harmony necklace, jewellery from Indonesia

The harmony necklace is more than just a jewel to be honest. It has a long history, coming from Indonesia where the mums to be wear it to protect their babies from the dark spirits. Today, this necklace has seduced future moms from all over the world. There are  so many different models, some of which you can customise, so that you will always find the one that is perfect to you. My favourite is the sterling silver harmony ball. 

Even if it is not for you, I find it one of the best baby showerbaby shower gifts. When looking for an original gift for a pregnant friend or relative, you often choose something for the baby. With the mother necklace, you have the opportunity to offer a gift to the mum and baby. Perfect, isn’t it? 

Photo credits : Le Petit Bola and Olly_magazine 


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