Christmas seems to have come around really quickly this year, and I don’t feel nearly as organised as I usually do. This year, we have had to really watch our budget, and make some changes to our normal routine, as student finance really doesn’t stretch very far when you have…

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Was Christmas a bit of a gadget overload in your house? It definitely was here – in fact, most Christmases and birthdays are now. This year, Gemma had a laptop, Jacob got a phone and even Eliza got in on the technological gifting, receiving a Kindle Fire kids tablet.  The…

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This week we received confirmation of Gemma’s high school place. High school! How on earth did that happen? With this comes a huge school uniform bill, a brand new walk to school (on her own!) and a new worry about internet safety. I know that as she heads of to…

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As a parent of young children, internet safety is something I take seriously, and something that does worry me. In this age of social media, it is all too easy for children to get themselves into danger – and as much as this is a huge concern, I belive it…

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