When a couple goes through a divorce, if there are young children involved, there is usually a lot of concern about the impact the divorce will have on the children. In fact, many parents make an agreement to stay together until the children get older, to attempt to protect them…

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We all go into relationships hoping for the best, but not all of them end with marriage or happily ever after. Sometimes, through no fault of either party, a relationship simply doesn’t work out. Normally, this doesn’t come as a real shock, as both partners may have felt a change…

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Are you tired of the same old cheesy chat-up lines? Do your dates keep trying to put you in uncomfortable situations? Are you looking for a true gentleman? Believe it or not, there are some out there; it’s just a matter of finding one. Here are some dating traits of…

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As you might expect, there’s more to being a life partner to someone than simply providing love and sex, although those are important factors of course. The idea behind making yourself a better spouse before you actually become one, is that you adopt the right frame of mind towards relationships…

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This post was sent to me by someone who wanted to write their feelings down, but for reasons that will become obvious, did not feel comfortable sharing on their own little space on the web.  I’m in a relationship that I hate and makes me feel low, but he won’t…

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