There are so many moments and precious instances when being a parent makes you beam with pride and these are unforgettable memories. But certain things can be considered important steps in a child’s life and here we go through what they are and why they are so crucial to the…

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Those of you who follow my blog or social media accounts regularly will know that I am currently in my second year of a midwifery degree. I have wanted to be a midwife for over 10 years now, and in 2016 I took the plunge, started an access course and…

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Oh it has been a funny week.  On Monday we had the mock OSCE. The stations were set up as they would be on the day, and we were given 10 minutes to complete the assessment. I turned over the clipboard to read a neonatal resuscitation scenario, and breathed a…

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I had a conversation with another student this week about how the weeks seemed to really drag when we were waiting for interviews and offers and start dates. Now we are here, as student midwives, the weeks are just FLYING past, and I understand what the third years mean when…

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This week has felt a little bit disjointed, as we’ve had different days at uni, and been in different places for part of the week – but as usual, it has flown by!  Monday was a uni day. The morning was a lecture on conflict resolution – scary to think…

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