There are so many moments and precious instances when being a parent makes you beam with pride and these are unforgettable memories. But certain things can be considered important steps in a child’s life and here we go through what they are and why they are so crucial to the…

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Sometimes we feel the need to boost out finances and the traditional method of obtaining a higher bank balance would be to go and get a new job. This, although, is easier than said than done these days, with the job market being extremely competitive. So there are other ways…

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  Work / life balance? More like Stressed, Sleep Deprived and Snappy Kalms Annual Report reveals Britain’s stress levels peak when striving to have it all, questioning if the perfect work / life balance really exists?  Age 36 marks the tipping point for women, when work and home life becomes equally…

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If you’re thinking of a career change, have you considered working in a care home? With any job you expect to receive a range of benefits. The care sector encourages you to progress in your career, helps you to feel secure, and you can receive an enormous sense of personal…

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Career in one corner, loving family in the other. This can sometimes seem like the dilemma faced by women in today’s world. I’m here to say that it shouldn’t be. Women should be able to have a successful career and a healthy, happy family. All you need to do is…

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