Baby versus career

Career in one corner, loving family in the other. This can sometimes seem like the dilemma faced by women in today’s world. I’m here to say that it shouldn’t be. Women should be able to have a successful career and a healthy, happy family. All you need to do is balance and compromise. To help with this, I’ve posted this infographic that should prove very useful!

Gumtree infographic baby versus careerGumtree infographic baby versus career is an infographic that was produced by Gumtree 



  1. September 29, 2014 / 4:15 pm

    This was really interesting to read. After having my 2nd child I quit my job as a nursery worker as I felt it wasn’t worth paying so much childcare, also I had moved 30 minutes away and my eldest was due to start school soon too.
    I have started work start on Sept but my hours are under 16 hrs so we still do not qualify for childcare so im trying to look for another job too!
    Beth recently posted…Instagram.My Profile

  2. Mummy G
    September 29, 2014 / 9:15 pm

    This is something I think about alot whilst on leave with my baby. Such a dilemma sometimes. Don’t want to miss out on anything with him!

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