17 weeks today – I am heading towards the half way point now!
The bump has really made an appearance this week. It’s obvious whatever I wear, and the stretchmarks are starting to become more and more obvious now. I don’t mind them though – my body has grown three strong, healthy children and is in the process of making another one. It’s pretty amazing when you think about it!
The headaches seem to have stayed at bay this week, and although the heartburn is still lurking, it is kept under control with Gaviscon and plenty of glasses of milk. I also find sleeping slightly propped up with lots of pillows helps.
I have been feeling the odd fluttering for a week or so now, but I wasn’t sure if it was definitely the baby. This week however, I have felt definite baby movement – no big kicks yet, but some shifting and little flickers. It’s a lovely, lovely feeling and makes me much happier that baby is doing OK in there. I can’t wait until I start feeling the proper kicks though.
3 weeks until my next scan, and I honestly can’t wait to get another glimpse of the baby. Kevin has taken the day off work so we can go together. We will also have a consultant meeting after the scan to discuss plans for the birth.
I will be back next week with the 18 week update and bump shot. If you want to read my 16 week post, with a video of the baby’s heartbeat, you can read that here.
Always love bump photos – can even tell the difference from last week! x
Stacey Guilliatt recently posted…What to Expect During the First Ultrasound {Guest post}
Beautiful, I am a little bit jealous! My daughter asked me yesterday when I was having another one, I don’t think I could manage anymore but it doesn’t make it any less difficult. Truly magical and so exciting 🙂 #magicmoments
The Mummy Diary recently posted…Cold Inner City Farm Fun
Pretty amazing indeed… Lovely pic. xx
Funky Wellies recently posted…Reflections At The Lagoon
Aww, i miss the tiny movements already and it’s not even been a week yet! Can’t believe you are 17 weeks already its flying by x
Wow your bump is now really visible. Love it
Clare @ Emmy’s Mummy recently posted…A family holiday to Florida doesn’t have to mean Theme Parks
That’s quite a bump for 17 weeks- your next scan will be here before you know it. Stumbled!
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