SPD and clever kids :)

Have been to see my physio today as have been suffering from SPD in this pregnancy, although I never suffered during my previous pregnancies. I have such sympathy for anyone else who has suffered, dont think you can appreciate how awful it is until you have it!
The physio recommended a maternity belt for support, and some exercises to help. She also suggested sitting on a gym ball when I can so am off to get one of those later.
Have any of you suffered? What did you find helped/didn’t help?

As well as spending lots of time researching how to help my SPD, this last couple of weeks I have been a very proud mummy as my kids are doing great at school – they have both definetley earned themselves a treat!



  1. January 29, 2013 / 2:16 pm

    I found heat helped mine – I used one of those microwavable bean bag things – especially while I was driving etc x Try not to do the same thing for too long either – not too much driving / sitting / standing etc etc – all in moderation. Because it hurt I wanted to stay still but then it’s just worse when you get up because you’ve stiffened x x

    • January 30, 2013 / 2:42 pm

      Thanks Lollzz, great tips! Will def give the heat idea a try! x

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