What makes a good bathroom?!

We live in a very lovely house, and since moving in 3 years ago, we have done a lot of home improvements, ranging from decorating and new carpets to fitting a brand new kitchen last year.
The only room that hasn’t really had a makeover yet is the bathroom. And now I am on maternity leave and expecting our third child, there is not enough money to tackle it right now!
When this baby arrives there will be 2 adults and 3 children living here – and we only have the one bathroom. I can see this being a problem in years to come when we have 3 teenagers using and abusing the bathroom (at which point I may have to move into the shed), and so we need something that could stand the test of time!

With this in mind, I asked my 2 children, aged 7 and 4, to come up with their ‘ideal bathroom’
Gemma, age 7 was in charge of the drawing and writing, and together they came up with this wonderful bathroom design:

I am not sure about some of the items such as the ‘Stinky toilet’ (although living with my husband this is a distinct possibility) and the ‘Cloud taps where lemonade comes out’ (I secretly like this idea but don’t telll the children!) but I do quite fancy the idea of a ‘massive bath with star taps’.
If I was in charge of bathroom design, I think I would go for a more traditional feel – I would choose this ALPHA L SHAPE SHOWER BATH BATHROOM SUITE from Bathshop 321
The L shaped bath would give us more space in the small room and the modern, clean lines would keep everything looking fresh and simple. There might even be room for the children’s ‘massive cupboard for lots of toys’, although I draw the line at sharing MY bath with Baby Annabel and a heap of boats. The only other thing this bathroom would need? – a lock on the door so mummy can have a soak in peace!
I have entered our bathroom design into the Tots 100 and Bathshop 321 competition


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