Bouncing along with the Fisher Price Woodsy Friends Comfy Time Bouncer – Review

Fisher Price are a well known, and well loved company, and they are constantly offering new and exciting products to their range. So we were very excited to be asked to try out their new Woodsy Friends Comfy Time Bouncer.
We set up the chair just before Max arrived, and were pleasantly surprised at how easy it was to put together – you don’t need a degree in rocket science as you do for some baby items!
The first thing I noticed was the depth and shape of the seat – it is very deep and with high, rounded sides which look as though they will support and cocoon even the smallest of babies.

Then for the BIG test….Max!
Max was 2 days old when he came home from hospital, and he tried the bouncer out on his very first day:

As he promptly fell asleep, I think we can safely say that he liked it! He looks snug and secure in the bouncer and the gentle bouncing motion as he moves seems to soothe him. 
If Max is grizzly and tired, the bouncer again comes into use, as the vibrate function helps to settle him, and will often send him off to sleep:
And finally, when Max is awake, he loves to stare at the variety of eye catching toys on the activity bar, and listen to the music and woodland sounds. The toy bar is removable, so you can choose to have it on at playtime, and take it off if baby needs a little rest the visual stimulation for a while. I think the toy bar while become even more of a feature as Max grows and can grab and kick at the toys.
Max is now 9 days old, and I have to say that the Fisher Price bouncer is the most used item of baby equipment in the house by far. He loves it for playtime and sleeptime, and mummy and daddy love it as it gives us our arms back for a little while!
You can find out more about Fisher Price, and their range of baby and children items by visiting their website, or you can find them on Facebook.
* I was sent this product free of charge for review purposes but all thoughts and opinions are my own *



  1. May 14, 2013 / 2:43 pm

    How old is your son? I have a 13 week old little girl, it goes so quickly doesn’t it? She is currently in her bouncy chair as we speak! x

    • May 15, 2013 / 11:07 am

      He is 11 days old today 🙂 Time does fly, dont know where the last 11 days have gone!

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