Joy and Joe wrap – Review

I have really enjoyed babywearing with Max. It is something I feel I missed out on a bit with the older 2, and so have been making the most of it this time, especially while Max is small.
Joy and Joe are not a company I had heard of before, so I was keen to try out their wrap. I received a gorgeous green wrap to try.

Now I know that wraps can scare some people, as they imagine they will be very difficult to put on and get right. The Joy and Joe wrap is actually very simple:

Following these instructions, I was able to get the wrap on and pop Max in super easily. It took a few minutes, and the more times I did it, the quicker I became!
Max is very happy in this wrap, and I feel he is well supported. There are so many different ‘holds’ with this wrap that you are bound to find one that suits you and your little one. And it comes in lots of pretty colours and designs, which I love!

The more I try babywearing, the more I like it. I love having Max close to me, and he loves it too. The upright position helps with his reflux, and the wrap is great for discreet feeding when you are out and about. 
The moral of this story? Wraps aren’t scary. They are much more simple than you think, and once you try it, I bet you don’t look back!
You can find out more about Joy & Joe on their website, or why not look them up on Facebook?
* I was sent this wrap free of charge for review purposes, but all thoughts and opinions are my own *



  1. July 29, 2013 / 11:49 am

    I’m hoping baby wearing number 3 will save me buying a double pram! We shall see!

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