You may remember a couple of weeks ago, I told you all about the process of ordering our very own Makie doll – a doll Jacob chose and designed himself, and one that would be made via 3D printing – the very first 3D printed toy on the market.
So, the burning question is….will the real-life version look like the one that Jacob carefully created on the computer screen? Arriving in it’s very own tube, we couldn’t wait to take a peek.
Surprisingly, it really does look like the picture on the screen, down to every last detail. The colour of the skin, the style of his hair and the outfit. Everything is exactly as Jacob wanted it to be. It even comes with it’s very own Certificate of Creation, with the name you selected and the date he was designed.
Jacob was over the moon to see something he had created on a computer screen ‘come to life’, and was very taken with Johnny – he now sits on Jacob’s bedside table and looks after all the other toys while Jacob is at school. Because he is fully poseable, he can sit in whichever place or position Jacob chooses, and Johnny is so lightweight he really can go anywhere.
You can choose to customise your Makie even further by purchasing outfits and accessories to change the look and style of your doll.
A revolutionary new idea, I really think the 3D printing of toys might just catch on – if the Makie doll is anything to go by. We are all impressed with the quality and the likeness to the original design.
What do you think? Would you like a Makie doll for Christmas?
* We were sent a free gift card to make our very own Makie doll. All thoughts and opinions are my own *
Wow its pretty impressive! I’m a bit scared of his face though lol
I’m still undecided on these and slightly scared of them if I’m honest