You are 7 months old…

Max’s first year is flying by, and he is already 7 months old. He is a real cheeky little monkey at the moment, and knows exactly how to get what he wants! His latest trick is to do a very funny little fake cough to get some attention – and it works! Yesterday at the weigh-in clinic, he had all the nurses and health visitors cooing over him. He is going to be a heartbreaker I reckon!

What Max has learnt this month

  • He has really cracked sitting up now. He is no longer a wibbly wobbly sitter – he has it mastered now and will happily sit and play with toys for a long time
  • How to play! Sounds silly, but he has really started to show an interest in toys over the last month – he no longer just holds and chews them (although he does still do that a lot!) – he will now bash them, push them across the floor, try the buttons and levers, and explore all the textures and sounds. 
  • Eating with his hands. He has had finger foods for a while now, but he has really got the hang of picking things up from the highchair tray, and transferring things from one hand to the other. We have started to give him smaller bits, like peas and Cheerios to encourage his fine motor skills.
  • Using his walker – we have a sit in walker for Max, and overt the last few days he has worked out that if he pushes with his feet – he moves! Just in time for pulling all the decorations off the Christmas tree….
  • A daytime nap routine. Before now, we have put Max to bed for a nap whenever he looked tired. In the last few weeks he has fallen into a real nap routine, heading back to bed at 9.30am for a quick power nap, then having a longer sleep after lunch. It seems to work well at the moment, and he is generally a happy, chatty baby.

So much has happened for Max this month. He now has 2 little bottom teeth, and the fact he can now sit up so well makes him look so grown up. He is most certainly not a needy little newborn anymore, and is desperate to be on the move. When he is on his tummy, he will pull his knees up under him – at the moment he hasn’t worked out how to get his arms up, but I don’t think it will be long before he is off on his hands and knees.

7 months already…..where does the time go?



  1. December 5, 2013 / 11:43 am

    Awww bless him i remember the fake cough thing very well! hes such a cutie!

  2. December 10, 2013 / 4:58 pm

    Wow time really has flown!!! It sounds and looks like he is doing so well. I love these update posts.

    Thanks for linking up with Small Steps Amazing Achievements :0)

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