My desert island discs

I was recently tagged by the lovely Jaime at The Olivers Madhouse to take part in a meme sharing my Desert Island Discs if I ever happen to be marooned on a desert island. Hmmm….sound peaceful. I digress – so, my favourite tunes along with one book, and one luxury item.

Music in this house varies from Gemma’s blaring One Direction tunes to nursery rhymes and rock, and everything in between. We play a little bit of everything here, but there are a few tracks that will ALWAYS be on my playlist. Stick with me, some of them are cheesy to say the least!

Everyone loves a bit of Dirty Dancing right? This is my favourite song from the film, and would be perfect for getting me up and dancing around my desert island.

My second choice would have to be a bit of Armageddon love. Just because I love it.


I think I would need a bit of cheesy 80’s pop to pick me up on the days when I couldn’t find any coconuts to eat, or the rain washed my tent away.

The next choice is based solely on the fact that it makes me think of the Cadbury gorilla advert every single time – and that makes me laugh. I would need to laugh on my desert island, although it might make me look a bit like a crazy lady.

And finally, a song I could just listen to over and over.

So on to my book. I am a HUGE bookworm, so this is a really tough one, but I think I would choose The Hunger Games – it’s one of those books I want to devour in one go, one I can’t put down.

Finally, my luxury item. I have thought long and hard about this one, and I think it would have to be a sleeping bag. I cannot imagine sleeping anywhere without some sort of cosy cover, and I don’t fancy having to skin any sort of animal to fashion a blanket. So I’ll go with the sleeping bag.

What would be on your desert island playlist – and what book and luxury item would you choose?

I am tagging Chantelle from Mama Mummy Mum and Karen from Adventures of a monkey-footed mummy



  1. January 25, 2014 / 7:56 pm

    Good choices!!! Thanks for the tag!! x

  2. January 25, 2014 / 8:02 pm

    lol i so so love your choices i would have them on mine hands down! and as for hunger games i have yet to read the books but i watch it on DVD at least once a week and have been to the pictures 3 times to watch number 2!

    sleeping bag … now thats a good choice!

  3. January 27, 2014 / 2:08 pm

    OOh what fab choices! Love this post 🙂

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