Guest post: Cabbage Tatie Topper recipe

Today we have a guest post by the lovely Karen from Adventures of a Monkey Footed Mummy
I love a good recipe post, and this is one I haven’t tried before, but will definitely be giving it a go – it sounds delicious, simple and good for you too!
We’ve been eating cabbage in Monkeyfeet HQ  just recently A LOT! This is because I’ve been quite poorly over the past few months, just catching one bug after another and my health visitor suggested that a good boost is cabbage as it is rammed full of immune boosting properties.
Surprisingly I’ve found a lot of recipes for cabbage and this is one of my favourites, given to me by one of my mummy friends who is a real ‘foody’
You will need a large heavy bottomed pan.
1 Savoy cabbage coarsely shredded
1 Onion
6 bacon Rashers, chopped and with rind and fat removed
Garlic to taste
Fry the onion bacon and garlic in olive oil until the onion is softened and bacon cooked through, throw in the cabbage and put a lid on. Cook until the cabbage is wilted, stir well to coat the cabbage and mix the ingredients then serve on a freshly baked spud with a dollop of butter.
Super fast, totally tasty and full of goodness.
A huge thank you to Karen for sharing her recipe with us – does it sound good to you?


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