Have you heard of Mamascent? If you are expecting a baby, or you are a breastfeeding mummy looking for a way to help your baby accept a bottle, then it is certainly something that is worth looking into.
In short, it is a one-of-a-kind bottle attachment designed to bring a mother’s unique scent to her infant’s milk bottle. Recently launched in the UK, Mamascent is ideal for parents who mix breast and bottle-feeding, to maintain the olfactory bond between mother and child. Released in 2013, the UK-designed and made product is already winning rave reviews by mothers and caregivers across England.
Mothers simply place a comfortable Mamascent pad inside their bra and wear it for approximately three hours. When the baby is ready to feed, the mother or caregiver can attach one of the pad’s five petals to an easy-to-use fastening clip that fits most standard-sized baby bottles. Whether being fed by mother, father, grandparent, nanny or babysitter, the baby smells the scented petal, thus replicating the sensory experience of breastfeeding. The baby is naturally soothed and calmed as this creates the closest sensation to feeding on the breast.
If you fancy trying out Mamascent for yourself, then why not enter my competition below?
Make sure you always have everything you need to hand. E.g. water, muslin cloth, a good book 🙂
If bottle feeding make up enough for the day
try and get into a routine as soon as possible
Be patient x
don’t let them fall asleep on you when breastfeeding as they then rely on this later to fall asleep- nightmare!!
Don’t panic, it gets easier
To keep calm, relax, be open minded and have no distractions. Once they are feeding well have something to keep you entertained (phone, TV etc) as you maybe there for a while
Just relax
Patience! 🙂
Don’t force your baby to feed just because you think they should, they will do so when they’re hungry xx
Sleep/nap whenever you can! 🙂
Breastfeeding is not always easy to begin with but stick with it.
Set up a feeding station with all you need – food, drink tv remote etc!
Don’t let midwives make you feel guilty if you can’t breastfeed – as long as you’ve tried, despite the horror stories your child won’t end up obese, stupid & unbonded if you resort to…horror, formula!
Muslin Cloths and lots of them
Sleep,nap whenever you can seems to work
be patient , don’t feel bad if you cant do it xxx
rest when they sleep xx
Try and stay calm when they get upset
Relax and do whats best for you don’t be afraid to ask for help but don’t be afraid to ask for some people to leave you be while you get into your own routine