Giveaway – win a Kanga wrap

I love to babywear, and have had Max in front, hip and back carrys since he was tiny. As well as being practical, leaving me with 2 hands free for the older 2 children, I can truly sing the praises of the kangaroo care effect – having had 3 babies through special care now, we practiced kangaroo care with all of them, and it definitely helped with the bonding process. To me, babywearing is just an extension of this.

Designed to hold your baby close straight from birth, the Kanga wrap baby carrier meets the kangaroo care criteria and was developed by midwives. Cool, lightweight and able to carry babies up to 15kg, the Kanga wrap is the perfect introduction to the world of babywearing. Profits from the sale of these wraps goes towards helping maternity care in Delhi slums – so it’s a winner all round in my eyes!

Kanga wrap giveaway

I have one of these beautiful Kanga wraps to give away to one very lucky reader. To enter, simply follow the instructions on the rafflecopter form below – good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

T&C’s – giveaway ends on 14th August, when winner will be selected from all correctly completed entries. Winner will be notified by email and must claim their prize within 10 days or it may be redrawn. The prize is provided directly from Kanga Wrap. Win competitions at




  1. Janine C
    August 12, 2014 / 10:36 pm

    I haven’t tried babywrapping before (we are currently trying for our first baby, so I am looking at baby ‘stuff’ with excitement) I will try this when we eventually do have a baby as it looks like it puts the baby in a far more natural position than those baby carrier things with the leg holes (don’t know what they are called lol) they look like they put strain on the babies hips. Also I think it would give the baby a sense of security and closeness which should keep it calm and relaxed (a bit like being in the womb) finally it leaves your hands free to go about your day!

  2. jackie chapman
    August 12, 2014 / 10:43 pm

    I haven’t tried babywearing but would like to!

  3. Jane Middleton
    August 12, 2014 / 11:07 pm

    Love the closeness and cuddles

  4. Natalie Gillham
    August 13, 2014 / 1:48 am

    no i haven’t x

  5. Eleanor Powell
    August 13, 2014 / 8:09 am

    No I never have and mine are a bit big now, but would love won for my niece who is due in 17 days to try

  6. Adrian Clarke
    August 13, 2014 / 8:42 am

    Not tried but would like to 🙂

  7. Dan Boon
    August 13, 2014 / 8:56 am

    Not tried it but want to. Good luck everyone x

  8. August 13, 2014 / 9:30 am

    Expecting our first in about 5 weeks! Tried out various slings at our local children’s centre and have decided we really like Kanga Wrap 🙂

  9. carol boffey
    August 13, 2014 / 9:52 am

    not tried it yet

  10. August 13, 2014 / 10:07 am

    Yes, I’ve tried it and its the best feeling in the world. Its comfortable and lovely. It saves getting the pushchair out of the car too!

  11. Susan Breese
    August 13, 2014 / 10:33 am

    Yes, I’ve tried it. Not only fantastically bonding and convenient but also very liberating.

  12. Gabrielle Powell
    August 13, 2014 / 11:14 am

    No, not tried it yet

  13. Sarah
    August 13, 2014 / 1:04 pm

    That looks so cute! x

  14. August 13, 2014 / 1:36 pm

    No I have not tried before, but looking to give it a go with baby number 2 due in November x

  15. Theresa Thomas
    August 13, 2014 / 3:57 pm

    Never done it, but hoping to start once the baby is here

  16. Laura Costello
    August 13, 2014 / 4:04 pm

    I have never tried before x

    August 13, 2014 / 4:31 pm

    Sorry have not tried it before.

  18. Pia Stephens
    August 13, 2014 / 7:41 pm

    We have a mei tai and I love having my baby near me and especially in the very beginning it’s so much easier to carry them if you want to do anything rather than trying to balance the baby on one arm and do stuff with just one hand <3 x

  19. Gemma Clark
    August 13, 2014 / 7:51 pm

    Plan to try it with my next one x

  20. August 13, 2014 / 10:51 pm

    yes long before it was fashionable. It is handy for settling a crying baby. It makes living in a top floor flat easier as dont need to drag the pram down the stairs half a dozen times a day an it is an easy was of cooking when baby wont settle ( as long as baby is not big enough to reach out and grab anything on the cooker)
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