I love babywearing. I never really did it with my older 2 but Max has been carried on a fairly regular basis over the last 15 months. We have used a variety of carriers and wraps over that time (take a look here to see what we have used previously).
I was recently offered the chance to review the Beco Soleil baby carrier, and I knew straight away it would be a hit with us, for a number of reasons.
- It’s really, really easy to use. It comes with detailed photo instructions for front, hip and back carry positions. With Max now being a fully fledged toddler, we settled on the back carry. I can manage this myself, although it is easier with 2 people. In simple terms, you just pop the carrier strap around your waist and secure, before sitting your baby in the carrier ‘seat’. Hold baby and carrier with one hand and use the other to slide them around to your back, before slipping the shoulder straps on, like a rucksack. It takes a few tries to get the sliding movement right, but once you’ve got it, it’s really easy.
- It looks lovely. I love the simple design, and the soft pattern – we have the Charlie design, which is a great unisex option. I love the splash of yellow – it makes a nice change from the black baby carriers you so often see.
- It’s comfortable. For the wearer and the little one. Max is used to being carried and so happily stayed in the carrier for school runs and short shopping trips, but we tend to use the pushchair for longer trips. We tried the Beco Soleil on a beach trip recently, and Max was in the carrier for a much longer period. He was more than happy, he could see everything that was going on and he even nodded off for a while. I found it comfortable to carry him, as his weight is spread evenly across my back and shoulders.
- It comes with everything you need. The Beco Soleil baby carrier comes with a snap on hood for weather protection and a snap on bag for carrying the little essentials, leaving you truly hands free.
- It is mum and dad friendly. There are some carriers that Kevin isn’t keen on – mainly wraps as he finds them fiddly. Because the Beco Soleil is a structured carrier, it is much more straightforward to use, and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it to mums, dads, carrier experts and novices alike. I think most of the patterns are dad friendly too – even the pink Ellie design only has a panel of pink, so not too girly.
A baby carrier really comes into it’s own when you have older children. This leaves me with 2 hands free to hang on to the other 2, or to carry lunchboxes, book bags and paintings when they come out of school. I am fairly certain that the Beco Soleil will be getting a lot of use when the school runs start again in September! It’s reasonably priced at £99 and can be used from newborn (with the Beco insert) right up to 45lb – that makes it great value for money in my eyes.
This baby carrier looks amazing! I haven’t worn Little Man in quite a while and really need to get back into it x
Donna recently posted…Barbecue Side Dishes
This looks great. I like how it can go on your bag rather than other carriers I’ve seen #triedtested
This looks great! I wish I had worn Harry more than I did. I tried a few that didn’t work so gave up 🙁 it’s a mine field out there! X
teentweentoddler1 recently posted…Rainbow Braid 5400 piece loom refill kit
It looks really lovely and comfortable. I had a babasling with my two, was great when they were little but as they got older it was so uncomfortable! #triedtested
I love the colours! Looks good 🙂
thereadingresidence recently posted…The Blog Lowdown – Family Fever
That’s a great looking carrier! I loved my carrier and was so glad I spent money on a nice one with thick straps like this one. I know so many people who bought cheap ones that were uncomfortable and then never used them!
Looks great, we’ve only done a bit of baby wearing and Baby L just isn’t used to it so only stays in one for a limited time. Next time I know to start them young! x
This does look great. It looks nice and roomy and really comfortable x
You Baby Me Mummy recently posted…Baby’s Bank Holiday Fashion (House of Fraser Review)
I am past this stage but I do like the look of it and that it would certainly help if you have more than one child to get out and about.
I really will try baby wearing with #2 but just couldn’t get on with it with Ted, he was quite heavy and with my c-section it hurt to wear the straps 🙁 Deffo going to make life easier with two though!
This looks brilliant – I’m thinking of getting a back carrier for Lydia as it will be so useful to take Georgie to & from her playgroup when she starts her 15 hours in a few weeks.
Zoe Corkhill (Mama Geek) recently posted…A day at CBeebies Land (Alton Towers) with CBeebies Magazine
This carrier looks really sturdy. I really hope that I will get to make use of one of these. #TriedTested
Verily Victoria Vocalises recently posted…A Review of Tristan’s Bistro in Taunton, Somerset.
This looks great! I always hated the look of baby carriers but found them to be a godsend, especially when you have more than one child and need your hands free. Didn’t know you could get carriers to fit a toddler, will keep this one in mind if I have more children in the future!
bloggermummylauren recently posted…Review: The Rockabilly Kids Toothbrush
I love the look of this, it looks really easy to transport to. Definitely considering babywear for baby 5
That looks great and I thought I’d mention for those who don’t know what sling to choose that the NCT do sling libraries where you borrow a sling for a week or so to try out to see what works best for you. #TriedTested
mumjd recently posted…Pilgrims Choice Pick N Mix
We LOVE this carrier too 🙂
#TriedTested x
Colette recently posted…Tried & Tested Tuesday
Gosh that carrier sounds great Kate, looks good too. Wish there had been options like this when POD was younger, the one we had nearly crippled me – actually labour probably did that LOL! Keep forgetting to join Tried and Tested but here this week, with a post I meant to link up last week! Hope you’ve had a good weekend x
Charly Dove recently posted…Exploring High Lodge, Thetford Forest
the only thing I’m not sure about is the colour of the carrier, beco are a fab brand though, I love the gemini #triedtested
Chantelle Hazelden recently posted…O Is For …. Organised
That looks a really fab carrier…..Max certainly looks happy in it x
Kim Carberry recently posted…Rainbow Braid Refill Kit – Review! #loomtothemoon
This looks fab, I adored carrying H but it was so handy when I was on maternity leave as I had no car so was much easier getting around with him strapped to me when I was running errands. This is a lovely colourful one too! x
PottyMouthedMummy recently posted…Domino’s Carnivale Pizza Party