Great photo, hope it was just a practise ride and not an emergency. Love the colours. #mysundayphoto mummy M’s Memories recently posted…My Sunday Photo
FANTASTIC shot! The helicopter is so clear, and the motion of the blades too! I love it! Steph @MisplacedBrit recently posted…Silent Sunday, week 34 – 2014
Great photo, hope it was just a practise ride and not an emergency. Love the colours. #mysundayphoto
mummy M’s Memories recently posted…My Sunday Photo
It was part of an air show – no emergency 🙂
Ooooo these give me the goosebumps. Hope it was on a practise mission. Great capture though.
Mummy Wife Woman recently posted…Silent Sunday
Just a fly over as part of an air show x
A great action hot – I too hope it was a display/practise!
Molly @ The Move to America recently posted…Silent Sunday Link Up #48
** shot not hot! Oops!
Molly @ The Move to America recently posted…Silent Sunday Link Up #48
Lol, yes – it was a display!
A brilliant capture. Looks so vibrant against the blue.
thereadingresidence recently posted…Silent Sunday & Week 34 #Project52
Thank you, I love the colours!
Great shot, like the others I hope it was just a practise run x #MySundayPhoto
You Baby Me Mummy recently posted…Our Week That Was Captured #34
A local air show, it was lovely to see.
Cool shot! Would love to go in one one day! #MySundayPhoto
Jo Laybourn recently posted…My Sunday Photo – 34
They do an amazing job don’t they
Zena’s Suitcase (@zenas_suitcase) recently posted…#SilentSunday & #MySundayPhoto 24th Aug 2014
FANTASTIC shot! The helicopter is so clear, and the motion of the blades too! I love it!
Steph @MisplacedBrit recently posted…Silent Sunday, week 34 – 2014
Thank you!
Well captured – I hope it was an exercise and not an emergency.
Always exciting to see, Often raise questions/make you worry. Do am amazing job. Really good striking image
i like this one. great colour and great action.
sherry from sherryspickings recently posted…My Sunday Photo 24 August 2014
Well taken. I believe Prince William is joining the East Anglian team 🙂
lisaslife1970 recently posted…Silent Sunday: 24th August 2014
Cool view! I don’t know why but for whatever reason this photo reminds me of Transformers. Happy Sunday!
Leslie recently posted…Silent Sunday
I think it’s Bumble Bee!
Always so cool to see them!
Kim Carberry recently posted…Silent Sunday!!!
We saw one doing a practice session or 7 at Southwold a few weeks ago – where a bouts did you spot this one? recently posted…Silent Sunday My Sunday Photo : 24 August 2014
This was at the Dawlish Air Show this weekend.
Cracking shot, hope it was a good air show.
hodgepodgedays recently posted…My Sunday Photo 24th August 2014
Beautiful clear photo, was it off to rescue someone nearby?
Thank you for linking up
OneDad3Girls recently posted…Day 237 – Project 365 – Down on the Beach
No rescue – just a wonderful air show!
What a great photo, such a clear colourful shot 🙂
My Family Ties recently posted…Silent Sunday – 24/08/2014
What a great photo. Really clear #silentsunday
Verily Victoria Vocalises recently posted…The Black and White Photography Project Sunday 24th August 2014
Knight in shining armour with wings! #mysundayphoto
Merlinda Little (@pixiedusk) recently posted…Seabrook Salmon Sarnie (3S)