Casualplay Livi review

I love a new pushchair. There’s something about the whole unpacking, setting up and trying out of a new set of wheels that makes me go a bit weak at the knees. So you can imagine how excited I was when the brand new Casualplay Livi stroller arrived at my front door, and we couldn’t wait to give it a road test.

Casualplay Livi review

The Livi is not designed in the same way as most compact strollers. It’s not an umbrella fold, and is wider than most lightweight options. It has a deep seat, a good recline range and a large basket – things you don’t always associate with a lightweight pushchair. The hood is a decent size too, and has a structured frame that makes it easy to position at the correct angle. 

Casualplay Livi review

Casualplay Livi review

The only thing I am not so keen on is the leg support. Although this is adjustable, it doesn’t pull out as far as I would like it too for Max’s little legs. It means that his feet do dangle slightly, but this will only be a short term issue until his legs grow a bit more and are able to rest on the footplate. 

The handle isn’t adjustable, but to be honest I wouldn’t expect that from a stroller. It’s a sensible height, and comfortable for me, my husband and even Jacob to push without a problem. The wheels are standard ‘stroller’ wheels – fairly small, plastic and ideal for nipping around town, doing the school run and going to nursery and back. It doesn’t rattle too much, the wheels handle most pavements, kerbs and surfaces with ease – it’s never going to be an off road option, but again, you wouldn’t expect that. For everyday use, it ticks all the boxes for me.

Casualplay Livi review

The large basket was a pleasant surprise – I have often found that strollers have no storage space whatsoever, or have baskets that are hard to access. The Livi basket is big and deep – even with the raincover in there, there is more than enough space for a changing bag. lunchboxes or a bit of shopping. It is easy to access from the rear too, which is so important.

The brake is easy to operate – a simple red lever which you flick up to set off, and flick down to secure the pushchair in place. It’s pretty firm once applied, and you can be confident that there will be no movement.

Casualplay Livi review

Casualplay Livi review


One of the biggest selling points of the Casualplay Livi is the fold. As mentioned before, it’s not an umbrella fold, but is still super compact. Folding is a multi stage process – push the hood down over the seat, press the release button on the handlebar and fold the handlebar back towards you, which collapses the pushchair in the middle. Then push down, grab the release button under the seat and pull – this folds the whole thing in on top of itself, into a small, compact package. It sounds a bit complicated, but it’s really not – if you want to see the fold in action, then check out this video I made for you.


As you can see, it really is small – it takes up less than a quarter of our car boot, and is so lightweight that it is ideal for the days when you are in and out of the car. It would also make an ideal holiday pushchair too.

The Casualplay Livi comes with adaptors as standard – these can be used to attach the Sono and BabyO care seats or the new Livi Cot, making it suitable from birth. 

So are we loving the Livi? Overall, yes. The only real issue for me is the leg rest – yes I am being a bit picky, but it’s worth a mention. It would be much less of an issue for smaller or larger babies – Max is simply in that awkward in between stage at the moment. I love the fold, the deep seat, the lightweight frame and the big basket, and it is the ideal pushchair for running round town with.

The Livi will be available soon, from Amazon, Argos and selected retailers (check out the Casualplay websire for further information), and it’s definitely one to consider if you need a compact, lightweight and versatile set of wheels.



  1. October 5, 2014 / 7:02 pm

    LOVING the look of this pushchair. So super easy to put up and fold back down again. Thats what us parents like right? Products that make our lives just that little bit simplier, and this does it in spades. x

  2. October 7, 2014 / 8:33 am

    This looks amazing! I am on a constant quest for a pushchair I like, with a deep wide seat that fold up small. This one looks perfect x #TriedTested
    You Baby Me Mummy recently posted…What Baby Rocked; SeptemberMy Profile

  3. October 7, 2014 / 8:46 am

    love the look of this . The folding thing looks amazing . I hate my buzz for that reason

  4. October 7, 2014 / 8:51 am

    Looks fab – I love how deceptively spacious the basket is. #triedtested

  5. October 7, 2014 / 8:51 am

    Looks fab – I love how deceptively spacious the basket is. #triedtested

  6. October 7, 2014 / 8:52 am

    I love this. I could do with reviewing some strollers for MM been looking for a new one for ages. This sounds great. I love how small it folds up too! Great review and video hun!!! Love all the photos too! Thanks for hosting.
    Jenny recently posted…NO NUTS: Peanut Butter Chocolate Oatmeal Bars RecipeMy Profile

  7. October 7, 2014 / 9:09 am

    I looks like a great pushchair, and I like that it is compact when packed away and also easy to put up and down too 🙂 #TriedTested
    My Family Ties recently posted…My Sunday Photo 05/10/14My Profile

  8. October 7, 2014 / 9:20 am

    This looks like a really nice pushchair and love how compact it folds up! The leg thing would be an issue for me too, I find J slouches really low without good leg support.
    Lisa H recently posted…Review: Fisher Price Little People SkywayMy Profile

  9. October 7, 2014 / 9:38 am

    If only this had been around a couple of years ago-it would have been perfect for us! My son has just about grown out of his-we only use it on the afternoon school run to collect his sister when he’s a bit tired. Mind you, it’s had a good innings and is way past its best now!
    Iona@redpeffer recently posted…A Little Bit Broken-Flash FictionMy Profile

  10. October 7, 2014 / 9:44 am

    Oh this looks great, love the way it folds, that’s much handier for cars like mine were the boot isn’t as big as others. Love that it’s a bit bigger seat too as some strollers can be a bit small even for toddler stage. 🙂

  11. October 7, 2014 / 9:59 am

    Wow this looks great. Folds up really small #triedtested

  12. October 7, 2014 / 10:21 am

    It looks really spacious for a lightweight stroller – I’m impressed!
    #TriedTested x
    Colette B recently posted…Tried & Tested TuesdayMy Profile

  13. October 7, 2014 / 12:53 pm

    I do like how small that’s folding up. I love our pushchair, but it takes up so much room – I am tempted now!
    thereadingresidence recently posted…Micro Scooter ReviewMy Profile

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