I don’t know about you, but about this time of year when the clocks change, the dark nights draw in and the temperature drops, my thoughts often turn to my nan. My dear nan is 90, lives alone and is incredibly independent – but I do find myself worrying that she is warm enough, especially on those cold nights when I just whack the heating on without a second thought. Kevin’s nan is also elderly, lives alone and isn’t in the best of health.

Next weekend (Nov 14-16) is the Great British Switch – when Compare the Market is encouraging the UK population to see how much money they could save on their energy bills this winter by switching to a new supplier. This is particularly important to elderly people – so many of them need to think about how much they could save. Research suggests that around 90% of those aged 65 and over have NEVER tried to switch energy supplier, despite the fact that a typical household can save up to £350 a year by switching energy suppliers. So why is this? Is it because they aren’t aware of the savings they could make? Are they aware of it, but simply don’t know how to go about switching? Are they worried about being scammed, not choosing the right plan or ending up worse off than they are now?
I visited my nan this week to ask her. She told me that she knew a lot of people did switch suppliers, but that she had been with her current provider for so long that it had never occurred to her to change, and that she wouldn’t know how to do it if she wanted to. My nan doesn’t have internet access, so I took all her details and told her I would check online for her, and see if she could be saving money this winter. I popped all her information into Compare the Market, and found out that she could be saving as much as £200 a year. £200 a year! That’s a huge amount of money for anybody, let alone someone on a pensioners budget. Incredible, and such a weight off her mind.
Since the visit, I have helped her to make the switch, and it is currently being processed at the moment. I feel such relief, knowing that my nan will be saving so much money, and knowing that she will be able to heat her home all winter.
You can get involved too. Help keep the elderly warm this winter with the #GreatBritishSwitch from 14th – 16th November. For every switch comparethemarket.com will donate £5 to Friends of the Elderly. Will you be making the switch this year?
I have been compensated for this post, and a donation to charity has been made in my name.
So important to check the elderly are okay in this cold weather
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