Play room inspiration

I saw a little quote on Facebook the other day that went something like ‘Halloween is over, and from the stroke of midnight all you will hear is Christmas carols.’ Although it made me chuckle, there is an element of truth in that – I bet loads of you nodded along reading it too. You can’t go into a supermarket without seeing aisles full of toys, Christmas wrapping paper, cards and selection boxes. Although the big day still seems like a long way away, the reality is that before we know it we will be putting the gifts under the tree and leaving a mince pie out for Santa.

There are so many things I want to get done before Christmas, and having a proper clear up is one of the big ones. I don’t mean the everyday tidying, hoovering, washing – I am talking one of those big clean ups from top to bottom, throwing away all the rubbish and finding proper homes for all the things we have. Kids storage is one of our big issues – despite having a playroom, I do find that toys still seem to end up being left all over the floor and play table rather than being put away. Some of this is just kids being kids, but some of it is due to the fact that our storage system leaves something to be desired. We have a large chest with boxes for toys, but the boxes are so deep that things end up getting lost at the bottom, or games and puzzles get all mixed up together and you can never find what you want. 

What I really want is something like this Cassia play room has. Heaps of practical, child friendly storage. The drawers and cupboards are all a good size – big enough to hold plenty, but small enough that smaller toys don’t end up being lost in the depths. I think I would choose the white finish for a smooth. clean look.

I would also like to brighten up the playroom slightly, and make it more child friendly. At the moment it’s a bit boring – pale blue walls, a tatty old carpet and a mismatched blind on the window. I would love to transform it – lay some spill proof laminate flooring, get a big brightly coloured rug for comfort and interest, throw in a couple of big squashy beanbags so that the kids don’t have to sit on the floor, and add something fun to the walls – maybe a mural or some funky wall stickers. It would need to be something that can stand the test of time and serve as a teenage den once a playroom is no longer needed. 

I have been scouring Pinterest for ideas, and have come up with this mood board of ideas with the kids – our dream play room. Fun, bright and practical – what do you think?

Follow Kate @ Family Fever’s board Playroom on Pinterest.

Is there anything else you would recommend for a playroom? It needs to be suitable for an 8 year old, a 6 year old and a 1 year old to use together!

In collaboration with Betta Living.



  1. Mummy G
    November 5, 2014 / 10:26 pm

    Ha we have the christmas tree up already 😉 I love the bright colours on your mood board and I’m always looking for storage ideas!

  2. November 6, 2014 / 3:01 pm

    A big pre Christmas clear up needs to happen over here! I have so many plans that I was hoping would be done BEFORE Christmas came, but its coming at us that fast I think it may have to wait! What a great website though!! x

  3. February 24, 2018 / 7:07 pm

    For kids, play is all around them, but it is nice if you’re able to allot a part of your home just for them to use for art-making, playing with toys and pretend play.

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