From time-to-time we all feel the need to make some changes to our homes, but often don’t necessarily have the budget to match! The great thing is that there are often smaller, lower cost changes that you can make that can visually make a big difference! Here are just a…

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A farmhouse traditionally was a simple home built on agricultural lands that represented a peaceful agrarian life while also serving as a home base. Nowadays, this idea benefits from an added modern approach, and you don’t need any longer to live in the countryside to achieve this look for your…

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With open plan rooms growing in popularity every day, it’s certainly worth discussing what the best flooring type is. With many of us needing to keep an eye on little ones while cooking, or just enjoying having a big family room for when we have our guests’ round, we can…

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Ensuring that your home is warm and cosy this winter has never been more important. Staying indoors is the best thing we can do for others and for ourselves, even without formal restrictions in place. Though it isn’t ideal, by updating your home’s function and décor, you can truly make…

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First impressions are something we find value in, and this is also true with homes. The exterior of your house is the first hello and should be welcoming for you and your visitors. When people drive by, you want them to think “wow” because of how it looks.  If you…

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