Project 365, days 299 – 305

Another week has flown by – where is the time going? Halloween is done, Bonfire Night will be next, and then Christmas and Gemma’s birthday will be here, and I will have a 9 year old daughter. Scary. Here is this weeks Project 365.

Project 365

Day 299 – The weather has been so mild for October. We went on the Gruffalo trail, got some lunch and then stopped at the park before heading home. Lovely family day.

Project 365

Day 300 – Pumpkin carving day – the children designed their pumpkins on paper, and then Kevin carved them.

Project 365

Day 301 – Half term Lego building – the kids made an awesome helicopter all by themselves.

Day 302 – Bath time for this cheeky monkey – I don’t know who got wetter!

Day 303 – Gemma won a colouring competition in our local Morrisons. Here she is with her prize.

Project 365

Day 304 – Baking chocolate biscuits – another way to keep the childen happy at half term!

Project 365

Day 305 – Happy Halloween!

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky




  1. November 1, 2014 / 10:14 pm

    Love the photo of the three of them in their Halloween costume Kate! Cute photo!

  2. November 2, 2014 / 11:02 am

    I agree – it’s scary to have a 9 year old (even scarier when you realise they’re halfway to 18!) Looks like a fun week, the Halloween costumes look fab!
    Helen C recently posted…A Year in Photos – Weeks 43 & 44My Profile

  3. November 5, 2014 / 12:44 pm

    well done on the competition win Gemma, hope you enjoyed your prize. It has been mild hasnt it, hopefully will make for a shorter winter. The cows are still out here which I have never seen before at this time of year.
    This pumpkin designs look great, well done.
    Love the skeletons, I would feel claustrophobic in the hooded one.
    Elaine Livingstone recently posted…Project 365 week 44 26th October – 1st NovemberMy Profile

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