Gruffalo hunting and park fun

Back in the summer holidays we went up to a local forest park to complete the Gruffalo Trail. This trail has now been replaced with the Gruffalo’s Child trail, and so over half term we decided to head back up there and see if we could find anything!

The weather has been so mild this autumn, and it was lovely to be able to wander around the forest without getting drenched or losing the feeling in your fingers. We hunted around the forest, found some letters which the children had to unscramble to spell a word (M, U, S, O, E – anyone guess?) and we spotted the snake, the fox and the owl, and the Gruffalo too!

Gruffalo hunting

Gruffalo hunting

Gruffalo hunting

Gruffalo hunting

Gruffalo hunting

Max loves the chance to be free of the pushchair and get out exploring. He was so happy, finding sticks and stones, climbing on logs and running after Gemma and Jacob.

Gruffalo hunting

Gemma and Jacob love it too. It’s such a great place to be, and every time we go there is something new to explore, new trees to climb, new dens to get inside and new animals to spot.

After completing the trail we headed off to a nearby pub for a spot of lunch (and ice cream) and then walked up the road to the park. The children seem to have endless energy.

Park fun

Park fun

Park fun

We hadn’t been to this park before, but it is a lovely one, full of great things to play on. There’s one of those big basket swings that all the kids seem to love, a mini assault course with monkey bars, ropes and bridges and a sunken trampoline which was the source of much excitement – they all love to bounce!

After an hour in the park, we came home with 3 tired children. A lovely family day in the mild autumn weather.

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall



  1. November 1, 2014 / 12:27 pm

    Looks like a great day out! glad you all had a good day 🙂

  2. November 1, 2014 / 10:27 pm

    We visited a Gruffalo trail not long ago at Alice Holt Forest in Hampshire and they’re so much fun for the kids! My five year old also did a Park Run there and got chased by the Gruffalo himself! Nice to make the most of the lovely autumn weather we’ve been having. X #countrykids
    Sam recently posted…A day at Manydown Farm, HampshireMy Profile

    • kate
      November 2, 2014 / 5:58 pm

      How exciting to be chased by a Gruffalo! My older 2 would love that!
      kate recently posted…Silent Sunday 02/11/14My Profile

    • kate
      November 2, 2014 / 5:59 pm

      We are really lucky to live in such a gorgeous area. I love his jumper too, one of my faves!
      kate recently posted…Silent Sunday 02/11/14My Profile

  3. November 4, 2014 / 6:02 pm

    We’ve been really spoilt by all this gorgeous weather this autumn! What a fun day Gruffalo hunting! x #PointShoot
    Michelle recently posted…Our Halloween Party 2014My Profile

  4. November 5, 2014 / 3:49 pm

    Fantastic photos looks like a fun filled day 🙂

  5. November 9, 2014 / 8:02 pm

    Looks like a wonderful day out. I adore your photo’s they are fabulous!, Max is such a cutie. Thanks so much for linking up to #PointShoot (If you could pop our badge on that would be awesome xx)
    You Baby Me Mummy recently posted…Kids Stuff Crazy Lather Lab Play DateMy Profile

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