Past the halfway point now, and it feels like time is flying. It doesn’t seem 5 minutes ago that we discovered baby 4 was on the way, and now everything is racing towards June!
It was lovely to see the baby at last weeks scan, and we are actually going to be lucky enough to see the baby again this weekend, as we are having a 4D scan. I have never had one before, but after seeing lots of friends pictures and DVD’s, it convinced us that it would be a lovely thing to do – especially as this is our last baby.
Movements have become much more pronounced this week, and Kevin can feel them now too, which is lovely. The baby was head up and feet down at the scan, which explains why the movements are all low down. I feel like I am a lot smaller bump wise this pregnancy than I was with the boys. I am hoping this means that I might just make it to full term this time – fingers tightly crossed!
I am still craving all things fruity, and am so thirsty all the time. I don’t think I have ever felt as thirsty as I do at the moment – but it’s a good thing as I don’t usually drink enough, so the baby is doing me a favour!
Yesterday we spent the day at the beach, and the fresh air was wonderful. It really cleared my head and made me feel a lot more upbeat, although I have to say that sea air really does make you feel exhausted! I was definitely ready for a shower and early bed last night.
I have started to collect together the first few bits and pieces for my hospital bag now – some maternity pads, breast pads and little travel size wash products. I want my bag to be packed quite early, just in case I go into premature labour again – although of course I am hoping that doesn’t happen!
Wow, baby number 4! Seems sort of appropriate that this is the first one to get a 4D scan too!
Congrats on baby 4 and hoping you don’t go into early Labour xx
Laura @ Life with Baby Kicks recently posted…30 Weeks…and the glamour of pregnancy
Exciting times! Before you know it, you’ll have your beautiful baby in your arms. Life doesn’t get much better 🙂
Ooh, you are thinking about your hospital bag early. This makes me want to get more organised. Time does fly, doesn’t it! Enjoy the 4D scan #MaternityMondays
Tin Box Traveller recently posted…My pre-baby bucket list
Aww the time really flies doesn’t it, June will be here before you know it! Sounds like a good plan to get packed early, just in case, though fingers crossed you won’t need it for some time! Thanks for linking with #MaternityMondays
Caroline (Becoming a SAHM) recently posted…#MaternityMondays week 7!
Congratulations, June is only around the corner, I bet the rest of the family are all excited to meet this little bubba.
Having your 4 baby you must be so organised and feeling cool about everything, I only have 2 boys, when I had my 2nd son I was so relaxed.
Good luck
Aww you’re looking lovely! Get you being so organised with the hospital bag, you’re putting me to shame! xx
Hayley recently posted…Baby Boy Haul So Far!
Wow! Congratulations and good luck with baby number 4
Such a lovely bump! I can’t get over how organised you are, packing your bag already! I know you’ve had prems ours though so I guess it in your nature to be prepared early. This one will be term though
Aww, love seeing your bump updates! So precious x #magicmoments
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