Bump watch: 20 weeks

20 weeks bump watch

I am a few days late with the bump watch this week, as I actually turned 20 weeks on Monday. However, I wanted to wait before writing this post as Wednesday was scan day!

We had a scan appointment in the morning, followed by a meeting with the consultant to discuss birth plans. The scan itself was lovely – a chance to see the baby again, who was very, very wriggly and appears to be some sort of contortionist!

20 week scan 20 week scan 20 week scan

The scan took about 20 minutes, and everything was checked – heart, brain, legs, stomach, kidneys, bladder, hands, face – all of which appeared normal. Sigh of relief. We stuck to our guns and didn’t find out the sex of the baby, so it will be a nice surprise come birth day!

The meeting with my consultant went really well. As expected she advised a caesarean section, and expressed concerns that I might not make it to full term, having had 2 previous premature deliveries. However, I am hopeful that I will manage to hang on to this one a little bit longer, and get the peaceful, planned C section I want. 

I was given a consent form to sign, and was booked in for both my pre-op and my actual section date, which is very exciting. I feel much more positive about the birth now – I have a fantastic consultant team looking after me, and we all want the same thing – a full term delivery with skin to skin contact and a quick recovery. Let’s just hope it works out that way!

I am feeling well in myself, although by the end of the day I am exhausted – after spending the day looking after Max, running the older 2 to school, clubs and friends houses and doing the everyday housework I am worn out, and more than ready to flop on the sofa once the children are in bed! Bath times are becoming a bit difficult, as I find it hard to kneel by the bath and wash Max, it seems to squash the bump and is very uncomfortable. Thankfully Gemma and Jacob can manage to sort themselves out!

I am still really thirsty all the time, and have discovered a new love for Costa coolers – they really hit the spot. Food wise I am loving fruit, cheese and cereals.

We have started to buy a few bits for the baby now – it all seems a bit more real! We have a few sleepsuits, some nappies, wipes and blankets. The crib and pushchair are on order and next on the list is to start collecting together a few things for my hospital bag. The first half of this pregnancy has flown by, and with a maximum of 19 weeks left to go, this little bundle will be here before we know it!



  1. February 12, 2015 / 10:18 pm

    Half way!! Love that scan photo of the feet, so cute! So excited for you x
    Donna recently posted…Mothers Day Gift GuideMy Profile

  2. Emma Haldon
    September 2, 2016 / 10:57 am

    Hello, this is exactly what my 16 week scan photos looked like baby with legs right over his head, i thought how can that be comfy haha xx

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