JJ Cole Bundle Me review

JJ Cole Bundle Me review

At the moment, we rarely leave the house without a footmuff. Spring might be just around the corner, but the weather here is cold and grey, and so a good, warm footmuff is essential for keeping Max comfortable on the school run. 

We have recently been trying out the Bundle Me from JJ Cole. Designed as a luxurious, warm footmuff, it also has a wind and water resistant outer – so if you get caught in that wintry shower your baby will stay dry while you wrestle with an unruly raincover. 

JJ Cole Bundle Me review

The inside is hard to describe – I wish you could feel it! It is as soft and warm and cosy as fleece, but much much softer – it feels like silk to the touch. Trust me, if they made this in adult sizes I would be first on the order list! The Bundle Me fits most car seats and pushchairs with a 3 or 5 point harness – you simply feed the straps through the slots in the material, and there is a hookover top to prevent it from sliding down too. Once in place, it doesn’t move – even when trying to get a very wriggly toddler on board!

JJ Cole Bundle Me review

JJ Cole Bundle Me review

Once Max is in, I can zip the Bundle Me right up around his chin, or fold the top down for a slightly lower fit. I can imagine this being a great option for a smaller baby in a carrycot too – it would work like a sleeping bag, and really cocoon them. I love the fact that it is so warm and cosy without being bulky – this footmuff doesn’t affect the fold of my pushchair in any way, and I can easily lock the frame down with the Bundle Me fitted in place. I like that it doesn’t slip when you take the child in and out of the seat, and I like the fact that it can be transferred easily between pushchairs if you need to. I also really rate this colour – I was worried the ‘Plumberry’ might be too girly for my boy, but it’s actually a lovely subtle shade that works really well for boys and girls and looks stunning on a black pushchair – a lovely splash of colour on those dreary mornings!

The Bundle Me is machine washable, and recommended from 12 – 36 months, although like I mentioned earlier I would personally use it earlier than this, although you can buy an infant version if you prefer.



  1. September 9, 2024 / 9:05 am

    Nice Post, I found it really amazing, Keep Sharing.

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