Bump watch: 24 weeks

bump watch, 24 weeks, pregnancy

24 weeks! This week I have reached a big milestone, and the baby is now viable. This means that were the baby be born now, they would stand a chance of survival, and would be entitled to medical help. This is huge. This makes it all seem more real. I still sometimes forget I am pregnant, and that in a few short weeks there will be a new member of our family. I am just praying that this one stays put for another 14 weeks!

I have had an awful cough and cold for the last couple of weeks, and nothing really seems to have helped – I have tried paracetamol, honey and lemon, steam and decongestants but nothing has really touched it – I think it will be a case of waiting it out. It just seems so much harder in pregnancy when I am already tired!

Talking of tired – sleep is becoming more difficult now. I can’t seem to get comfortable at night, and it takes ages to get all my pillows and covers the way I want them. I drive poor Kevin mad 😉 I have recently been sent a Theraline maternity and nursing pillow, which has helped no end. It’s hard to understand unless you have been pregnant, but this extra long, flexible pillow REALLY makes a difference to sleep. Like many pregnant women, I like to have the pillow beside me, supporting my bump and taking some of the weight. It keeps me in a comfortable position, and also allows me to prop my legs up slightly which seems to ease cramps. 

Theraline maternity pillow

Anything that helps me get a good nights sleep is a winner in my book. I was worried that the pillow would take up too much room in the bed, but it’s so flexible and squishable that it just moulds to your body and doesn’t take up a lot of bed space. The covers are silky soft so it doesn’t irritate me, and the micro bead filling means it is easy to move around (well, as easy as it can be to move around in bed when you’re 6 months pregnant!). I intend to use the pillow after the baby is born too – it will be a great support for post C section breastfeeding.



  1. March 9, 2015 / 10:32 am

    I loved my pillow when I was pregnant! Was a life – or should that be ‘sleep’ saver!

  2. March 9, 2015 / 10:48 am

    Hopefully all the coughs and colds will be gone now that Spring is here. I remember reaching that 24 week milestone – such a relief isn’t it? x
    Suzanne recently posted…Redundancy? No Chance.My Profile

  3. March 9, 2015 / 3:00 pm

    Wow 24 weeks! TIme is flying and I understand what you mean about passing that point, much as you want them to stay put for some time yet it is a milestone to know they would have a chance of surviving if they were born now. Sorry to hear you have been poorly, being ill when you’re pregnant is such a killer as like you say you are already so tired and can’t take as many remedies! Hope you feel better soon and glad the pillow is helping you get some sleep! Hugs! thanks for linking with #MaternityMondays xx
    Caroline (Becoming a SAHM) recently posted…#Maternity Mondays week 10My Profile

  4. March 9, 2015 / 3:33 pm

    24 weeks, it’s going quickly, although probably not for you! I had a big pillow in bed, it was a life saver for me! x
    Mummy Whiskers recently posted…The Basil Brush Show 2015My Profile

  5. March 9, 2015 / 8:07 pm

    I always think its so unfair that pregnant women struggle to sleep well, especially since they tend to do the liion’s share of get ups once baby is here, and often after an exhausting labour and delivery too. So I’m glad the pillow is working out for you!! I don’t think I will be sleeping for a good few years now! x x
    ghostwritermummy recently posted…Tuff Spot A-Z: A is for Aquarium!My Profile

  6. Alex Bump to Baby
    March 9, 2015 / 11:06 pm

    Sorry to hear you’ve felt unwell, it is so much harder when your pregnant. I’ve really been feeling the exhaustion too these past couple of weeks. x

  7. March 10, 2015 / 10:37 pm

    You are getting so big! New baby soon, woo! I loved my Theraline pillow, amazing invention! x
    Donna recently posted…Point + Shoot – 10/52My Profile

  8. December 27, 2024 / 9:13 am

    These tips for improving sleep while sick are incredibly valuable, especially during times when rest is crucial for recovery. Creating a calming bedtime routine and adjusting your environment to encourage sleep can make a significant difference in how quickly you recuperate. Additionally, using simple remedies like hot drinks or a warm bath to relieve congestion can not only soothe physically but also contribute to a more peaceful night’s rest, ultimately supporting the body’s healing process.
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