With baby 4 due to arrive shortly, and as a self confessed pramaholic, deciding which set of wheels to choose was a big decision for us. After a lot of research, many trips to shops and lots of recommendations, I went with my heart and stuck to my original choice – the all new iCandy Peach All Terrain in Toucan.
I have been a fan of iCandy for a long time, as many of you will know. I may have mentioned it a few times 😉 Classed as a luxury brand, I have always found them to simply be high quality, well made. practical and gorgeous. They are not just a pretty face as many people think – behind the beautiful facade lies manufacturing genius, with both parents and tiny tots in mind.
I have the carrycot packed away upstairs ready for bay 4, but for now we couldn’t resist getting the iCandy Peach All Terrain set up for a trial run with Max. The idea was to just use it a few times before putting it away for June, but as I expected it has now become the set of wheels I am using day in, day out. Nothing else compares for comfort and ease of use.
Let’s start with the technical stuff. The iCandy Peach All Terrain is a multi functional travel system with air filled tyres to handle any terrain. Setting up the pushchair is easy as pie – just click the wheels into place, pop on the seat and off you go. The spacious seat and hood have soft touch fabrics for comfort and style, and there are just so many parent friendly features. Large basket, one hand fold, adjustable handlebar, parent or world facing seat positions, easy to adjust harness and a raincover that is flexible and not made from that hard, stiff material you usually find. It’s all easy to work too. Removing the seat to fold or turn it around is as simple as pushing 2 buttons on the side of the chassis. Removing the wheels just requires you to push the buttons on the centre of the rear wheels, or depress the button on the front wheel hub. The handlebar adjusts with a button in the centre of the handle – push this in and move the handlebar to the required height. The recline is located on the same button as the seat removal system – simply use the inner section of the button to operate the recline. This is a tad fiddly, as it means leaning over the seat to access it, and when you have a world facing seat this means standing at the front of the pushchair – I would personally prefer a lever recline on the rear of the seat, but this is personal preference.
The fold isn’t the smallest, I won’t lie. But having said that, I wouldn’t expect it to be – this is a full travel system, not a stroller. The frame folds down fairly flat, and the quick release wheels can also be removed to make more space. The seat will lie on top of the chassis if you need a bit more boot space, and removing the bumper bar gives you more room too. As everything is so easy to remove and put back together, I really don’t find the size an issue. Folding and unfolding is a one hand, few seconds job as shown below:

Since getting the pushchair we have used it so much. It has completely replaced our previous set of wheels, purely because it is so nice to use. Even Kevin, who usually takes no notice at all when it comes to pushchairs, has commented several times on how much you can feel the quality when pushing. Everything is smooth, intuitive to use, and comfortable. Max loves it too – whereas with his stroller we have been having real problems getting him in, as he just wants to walk, he will happily climb into the iCandy himself, and sit there for as long as we need him to. He loves the deep, bucket seat, the padded harness, the footrest that we can adjust with the simple push of a button depending on whether he wants his feet up or down, and most of all he loves the bumper bar – it must be like having the perfectly placed arm rest!
The all terrain tyres have been given a real test – everything from the football pitch and the gravel driveway to the uneven rural pavements and the cobbles by the Quay. Nothing is a problem – the pushchair just glides over everything in its path.
I could honestly rave about this pushchair for hours, but I don’t want to make this post too in depth. If you want to know more technical stuff, you can find it all on the iCandy website. I will be posting another review once we are using the carrycot and the Maxi Cosi car seat attachments, but for now I will happily continue to use the iCandy Peach All Terrain for my toddler. Contrary to popular belief, iCandy don’t just make pushchairs for babies, they don’t make them with small seats that don’t last. Max is 22 months and has plenty of room in the seat – we haven’t even needed to move the hood yet to make more head room, it is still on the lowest setting. He will be able to use this set of wheels for many months to come, until he no longer needs to.
Would I recommend the iCandy Peach All Terrain? You bet I would – whether you are looking for your baby’s very first travel system or a comfortable mode of transport for your toddler. I don’t think you will find anything that suits your needs better.
I have the icandy peach in sweetpea and love it. Think I’m going to be sad when I no longer need a pushchair x
Life with Six Kids recently posted…How I survived a six year old’s birthday party
I love the look of this pushchair, the colours are fab (and obviously the practical stuff is great too!)x
I had the I-candy peach blossom for my twins and absolutely loved it! It was such a nice small buggy to push around, even with two babies in it. I like look of the all terrain wheels on yours. I would recommend i-candy too.
Let kids be kids recently posted…Let kids be kids linky 24/3/15
This looks like a fab buggy and I love how quickly you can put it up and down, great video demo 🙂
I’ll be looking for a buggy soon when Harlow’s a little older as she’s starting to get too big for the Mamas & Papas pram and although it has a buggy attachment it was Logan’s pram when he was little 5 years ago and has really seen better days.
Great review 😀
The Breastest News recently posted…Bargains of The Week – w/c 16.03.15
That looks such a lovely, sturdy pushchair, and it is great it is so easy to use.
fashion-mommy recently posted…Reviewed – Yellow Crepe Jacket from House of Fraser
Great review, I love that you were just going to test it for a little while and have now started using it all the time!x
Bloggermummylauren recently posted…Helping Hands & Play Foam Review from Learning Resources
I really like the look of this! It sounds lovely to use x
Kim Carberry recently posted…Trespass Wonder Girls Waterproof Jacket – Review!
I have pram envy! I used to think iCandys were just pretty, but I’ve realised they’re really practical … and look so comfortable!
Alana x
Alana Perrin recently posted…Bluestone: First impressions
Great review, so detailed. Perfect for a new shopper. We had the Bugaboo and this design looks SO similar. If it is as good as that then i’m sure you’ll be very happy. The bar is a great function, helps them to sit up and be well, just a little bit nosey! #TriedTested
life as our little family recently posted…Tasty Tuesdays {Chunky Cookies}
Love video Kate .. it really is fast to fold/take apart and also check out the size of that shopping basket! .. wow
Jaime Oliver recently posted…Review: Disney Pixar Cars Mack Truck Transporter
This looks brilliant, I especially like how it folds away. That’s an important feature for us zx
Zena’s Suitcase recently posted…#MyFavouritePlace #9
Looks great. I really didn’t put any research into our buggy – just bought what 1 friend recommended. Folding is a very important feature x
Louise (perry) fairweather recently posted…Kids Cook French Review and Giveaway
We LOVE our I-Candy – although we havent used a pushchair for over a year now.
Emma Edwards (Adventures of Adam) recently posted…Nature Tuff Spot
this is a great review, Kate. Detailed and with all the info you need 🙂
This looks like a great buggy, plus easy to get up and down which is a must. Helps that it looks fantastic too. I have a fiesta so always worry about boot space, this doesn’t look like it would be too bad #triedtested
Mummy Melton recently posted…Sassy Bloom March – Review
Ah I love this one even more now! I really need a better, all terrain pram- much as I love my xplory it just doesn’t do mud very well! And I must say that you are looking very lovely missus! x x x
ghostwritermummy recently posted…Fisher Price 3 in 1 projection mobile: a review and giveaway!
Looks like a great pushchair! It looks quite small when folded / taken apart. #Tried&Tested
Mel recently posted…Sweet Potato, Butternut Squash, Pear & Rosemary Purée
It looks lovely. I always wanted to change my pram more often she miss a was a baby.
Angela recently posted…Aqua Dragons Jurassic Time Travel Eggspedition Review
This looks a fab pushchair. Mummy found iCandy SO expensive when she was pregnant with me, but they are gorgeous looking x
Ickle Pickle recently posted…My Favourite Place #9
I love the look of this pram. I’ve tried quite a few over the past 2 years and I much prefer 3 wheelers. I also love the extra details like the adjustable foot rest. I would definitely consider this one for my next baby. Great review 🙂
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