Another week, another bump watch. 26 weeks already!
I am definitely feeling bigger now. Getting comfortable is harder, and it takes a lot of shuffling around and rearranging of pillows in bed before I can get to sleep. Even sitting on the sofa to watch TV is harder as I can’t sit in one position for long before I get cramp or an aching back.
Movements are regular and strong now, and the baby will respond to touch – if you gently poke the bump you usually get a kick back, which the kids love. Baby also responds to loud noises – there was a lot of jumping around when the rugby was on at the weekend and Kevin was cheering for England!
Food wise, I have got my appetite back a bit more now, possibly because the bump and movements are all still fairly low down. I am definitely not loving chocolate or cake as much as I normally would though – this baby likes fruit, juices and salad. The one thing I can’t get enough of is Calippo ice lollies – I could eat them all day long.
There aren’t any more appointments or check ups due for a couple more weeks. Although I am classed as high risk I am still under general midwife antenatal care, so for now at least I am having the usual appointments, with the next one being at 28 weeks. We have a 4D bonding scan booked for 27 weeks though, so we will get a glimpse of the baby again very soon!
I will be back with another update next week. If you missed my 25 week post you can read it here.
Aww you’re looking fab 🙂 It’s great that your baby is responding to touch, I don’t think my two ever did that? You’ve got me thinking now lol.
Oh and if you’re struggling to sleep you should try the Baroo Maternity Pillows:
They’re fab and I still use mine now for breastfeeding 🙂
The Breastest News recently posted…Review: Munchkin Bath Toys
Wow time is flying, look at your lovely bump! Sounds lovely that baba is responding to touch, no wonder the kids love that! Love the calippo craving too 🙂 Thanks for linking with #MaternityMondays xx
Caroline (Becoming a SAHM) recently posted…#MaternityMondays week 12
Aww such a lovely bump photo! I am 31 weeks pregnant today so can relate to a lot of what you are saying! I bet the 4D scan will be fab 🙂