Bump watch: 28 weeks

bump watch, 28 weeks

28 weeks – definitely in the third and final trimester now! I think once I reach 30 weeks it will all seem a bit more real, and the countdown will really start.

This week I have been feeling the weight of the bump – my back and hips really can’t cope with too much walking or long days out now. I have to walk a bit slower and pace myself now or I suffer in the evening! I am still not really craving too much, but am definitely favouring fruit and veg flavours – calippo ice lollies, salads, beetroot and endless glasses of fruit juice. 

This weekend we were lucky enough to see our baby again, as we went for a 4D growth scan at the local BabyBond clinic. This scan is a half hour appointment where the baby is measured, you are given an estimated weight and you get to see your baby in full 4D! It was utterly amazing to see just how much he or she has grown since the last scan. The baby’s features were so much more pronounced, we were able to see the face in incredible detail, right down to the little lips and button nose – this baby certainly looks like its siblings!

4d scan

It’s amazing how you can see such a resemblance to Max in these photos. Baby certainly seems to be happy and comfortable for now. The scan itself is such a pleasant experience – as I mentioned last time, the room is dimly lit and warm, there is room for more than the one visitor that the NHS allows, so if you wanted to you could take along older children, friends or grandparents. The measurements are taken as usual in the 2D view, and plotted onto a chart so you can see how your baby is growing – this little one was exactly average, and currently weighs in at approx 2lb 8oz. 

At the end of the scan, we were able to choose 2 of the pictures as colour images, and the rest were given to us in the usual black and white format. We also received a USB stick with all our pictures from the scan on, and a DVD of our baby in real time, which is a lovely thing to watch with the older children. Everything is presented in a pink, blue or white BabyBond bag depending on whether or not you know the gender of your baby, and there is a supply of water, tea, coffee and biscuits available while you wait for everything to be packaged up. The customer service is friendly, professional and high standard throughout, from reception to the scan room, and you are made to feel so welcome as they celebrate your little miracle with you.



  1. April 6, 2015 / 12:45 pm

    Oh my these 4D scans are so clear! How exciting to watch their development so closely. You must be excited now, it is a perfect looking bump you have there Kate.

  2. April 6, 2015 / 1:40 pm

    Wow! Scans have certainly come a long way since I had mine done. I had a 3D scan of my daughter (10 years ago) and that was incredible, seeing her little hands and feet looking so life like. How magical to get a moving picture too. Tx
    Tracey recently posted…April’s Fave Freebie – Eyeko Fat Eye StickMy Profile

  3. April 6, 2015 / 4:38 pm

    We didn’t do a 4D scan but they really look amazing. What a wonderful thing to have x
    Donna recently posted…Living Arrows – 14/52My Profile

  4. April 6, 2015 / 5:48 pm

    Those pictures are amazing! I’m 33 weeks with baby number 3 but never had a 4D scan before. Maybe I should go for one!
    Delal Designs recently posted…Maternity OOTDMy Profile

  5. April 6, 2015 / 7:44 pm

    I love these 4D scans. They wasn’t very available when I had my kids. I would have loved one x
    mama syder recently posted…Learning To ForgiveMy Profile

  6. April 6, 2015 / 7:47 pm

    We had a 4D scan done with our second and it was amazing. And, looking back at the pictures we got, you can so see Miss C in them.

  7. April 8, 2015 / 9:02 pm

    Those pictures are amazing. I’ve never had a 4D scan, but would love one! It won’t be long until the big countdown now 🙂 eek! #maternitymondays x
    Jade Wilson recently posted…Our Easter activitiesMy Profile

  8. April 12, 2015 / 9:06 pm

    awww Kate this is utterly amazing! .. i totally love the 4D scan and would love to have this with my next! .. fingers crossed it happens soon! .. 2lb 8 .. thats amazing
    Thanks for linking up with #MagicMoments (sorry i am late)
    Jaime Oliver recently posted…Silent Sunday 12/4/15My Profile

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