Walk to Wellington Monument

I have said it many times before, but we really are lucky to live where we do. We have beaches, woodlands and open countryside right on our doorstep as well as lots of tourist hotspots and places of interest. One of those is Wellington Monument, and although it is only 20 minutes away from us we had never taken the children before.

Wellington Monument

From the car park there is a lovely walk through some wooded areas and across some open grass to the monument itself, which is quite frankly breathtaking. 

Wellington Monument

Wellington Monument

You don’t actually realise how big it is until you get up close – the kids were a bit blown away by it to be honest. We wondered how many Jacobs we would need to stand on top of each other to reach the top? 

Wellington MonumentOnce you have seen the monument itself, and spent a lot of time examining the cannon, there is plenty of open space for a kick about and a run around. The grass areas are perfect for picnics too if the weather is nice, and there are wooded areas to explore too, with trees to climb and sticks to find.

Wellington Monument

It’s a great place to visit, and one of those places you could go back to over and over again – as the seasons changed there would always be something new to discover and explore. 

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall



    • kate
      April 18, 2015 / 11:38 am

      We love being outside!

  1. April 18, 2015 / 3:36 am

    Seems like a nice place to raise a family. It’s near interesting places to visit, too.

  2. April 18, 2015 / 8:23 am

    That is a very large monument. I wonder if it is taller than Nelson’s column. I am now itching to know what it is doing where ever you are, though. I am not sure whether that shows a lamentable London-centricness, or a deep lack of knowledge about what Wellington was ding when he wasn’t rampaging around France. Both, probably! Cool!
    Mama Herself recently posted…Scottish Owl Centre, West LothianMy Profile

    • kate
      April 18, 2015 / 11:39 am

      It really is huge! You don’t realise quite how big when you see it from the road.

  3. April 18, 2015 / 3:38 pm

    The Wellington Monument is quite a sight to see, I bet up close it is awesome, especially from little eyes. It’s great that there’s so much open space around it as well so that you can really make the most of a family walk up to see it. Thanks for linking up with Country Kids.

  4. April 18, 2015 / 5:51 pm

    Looks like a lovely place to have a run about and explore. You are lucky being near to so many beautiful places x
    thereadingresidence recently posted…Diggerland FunMy Profile

  5. April 19, 2015 / 10:11 pm

    That looks like a lovely area. That’s one impressive monument!
    Heidi recently posted…Sheringham ParkMy Profile

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