Bump watch: 32 weeks

bump watch, 32 weeks, pregnancy

32 weeks! It feels like a bit of a milestone. I don’t know why, but the final countdown is definitely underway now.

After last weeks scare, I have had a relatively straightforward week. There have been the usual niggles, which are getting tougher now. Back ache is a real, well, pain and nothing I do really eases it. It’s hardly surprising when you consider that I am carrying a 3 and a half pound plus baby as well as all the extra fluid. Warm baths and Deep Freeze patches are helping a bit, but only for a short while. I think this is something I will just have to put up with until baby arrives.

Getting some sleep is another thing which is a bit of a pain right now. The baby is very active in the evenings until about 11/11.30pm so my plans for an early night aren’t working! It then takes a long time to actually find a comfortable position, by which time I inevitably need a wee lol. This continues all night. I definitely think this is my body’s way of preparing me for what is to come. 

I think my bump has dropped a bit lower this week. Baby is head down now, and seems happy enough for now. I have a repeat fluid scan and monitoring on Wednesday, as well as an appointment with my consultant to discuss the next steps. It is likely I will be given steroids to mature the baby’s lungs faster in case I do go into early labour as suspected. 

What will be will be I suppose, but I would dearly love to get to 39 weeks. Every day this baby stays inside is another day closer to our goal, and another day for him/her to grow stronger. My biggest wish is just for a baby that doesn’t have to be taken to SCBU. Please cross your fingers for us!



  1. May 4, 2015 / 9:08 pm

    ooo bump does look like it’s dropped. Your still looking lovely. I wish I looked that good now!! It seems to have flown by to me. Has it for you?
    So exciting eek
    Emma Lander recently posted…#MaternityMondays Week 18My Profile

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