Bump watch: 35 weeks

pregnancy, bump watch, 35 weeks

35 weeks. Another week under my belt, and only 2 weeks until I reach full term. This time last week I really didn’t think I would get to 35 weeks, so I am feeling quite proud of myself today! If I can get this baby to full term I will feel amazing. I know that’s no guarantee that things will be OK after the birth, but it gives the baby the best chance. For now, every day is a bonus, and I am thankful for every day this little bundle stays inside.

It’s been a tough week symptom wise. Because I am carrying so much fluid, it means there is a lot more weight on my bump than normal. My hips are screaming in protest now, and just moving around is difficult. Always handy when you have 3 children to look after…

Thankfully Kevin is on holiday from work this week and so he has taken over. We also have our house on the market, so he has been cleaning and keeping things tidy for the viewings. I don’t know what I would do without him sometimes. When I was discharged from hospital last week I was told to rest, and so I have been trying my best to follow this advice – it sounds great in theory, but is a lot harder than you think. I want to be getting things ready for the baby and playing with the kids. Instead I am left pottering about the house doing very little. I am already bored of daytime TV and reading books, but I know it has to be done for the baby. Not long now. 

I have another appointment at the hospital on Wednesday, where I will have a repeat scan which checks both the fluid levels and the baby’s growth. I will then see my consultant who will make a care plan for me dependent on those results. It’s all a bit nerve wracking at the moment, and I just want to know what is happening.

I am hoping I will be back next week with a 36 week update – fingers crossed! You can read my 34 week update and all about my hospital stay here.



  1. May 25, 2015 / 12:02 pm

    I really hope the pain eases off and gives your hips and back a break. I’m only 22 weeks and my back is hurting already so can’t imagine how it must be for you now. Hope the check up goes really well for you xx
    Notmyyearoff recently posted…Silent Sunday & Project 52 – Week 21My Profile

  2. May 25, 2015 / 4:17 pm

    Yay to making ti to 35 weeks hon but I can understand it is still a scary time. i am so glad to hear your husband is able to be home this week to help with the kids and the house, especially with the house viewings to worry about! I hope the next scan goes well and that you know what to expect a little bit from that point! Hugs! Thanks for linking with #MaternityMondays and hope to read about your 36 wks update next week! xx
    Caroline (Becoming a SAHM) recently posted…#MaternityMondaysMy Profile

  3. Rachael
    May 25, 2015 / 4:41 pm

    Congratulations on another week under your belt Kate, amazing stuff.
    I am sorry that you’re in pain though. x

  4. May 25, 2015 / 7:54 pm

    I hope baby stays put a little longer for you and the pain is not too bad in your hips. I bet it is such a struggle trying to relax when you want to be nesting and spending as much time as you can with the other three before baby arrives. p.s i love the new look blog xx
    Lindsay @ Newcastle Family Life recently posted…Sophia You Are TwoMy Profile

  5. May 26, 2015 / 7:33 am

    I’ve literally just been in your position. Having to have regular growth, fluid and doppler scans. I would’ve been happy with them getting me to 36 weeks and here I am at 39+3, still pregnant! It is very worrying, but I always took it day by day and of course, any extra days you get are great. I was just always thankful we had the worry much further into the pregnancy, than earlier because that’s when it’s more complicated.

    I hope the pain gets better soon, I know how you feel! You can do it, and hey, these babies are SO worth it right? (I’m taking a long break next time!!) Haha #maternitymondays xx
    Jade (Raising the Rings) recently posted…I can finally say I’m having a baby this weekMy Profile

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