The perfect biscuit

Ever wondered how to make the perfect biscuit? You need the Bigjigs Candy Floss food mixer set!

Step 1 – Prepare your equipment

Get your food mixer, spoon, jug, rolling pin and tray ready in your work area.

Bigjigs Candy Floss food mixer

Step 2 – Add the right ingredients

Pop in your ingredients – we like chocolate biscuits so a bit of flour, sugar and cocoa powder, add some eggs and milk and give it a quick mix with the spoon to start.

Bigjigs Candy Floss food mixer

Step 3 – Mix and roll

Choose the correct setting on your mixer – we always go full whack 😉 Give it all a good whizz until you have a smooth, gooey, chocolatey mess. Scoop it all out, roll with the rolling pin and make some fun shapes – go wild! It could be stars, flowers, hearts, boats – you choose!

Bigjigs Candy Floss food mixer

Step 4 – Bake!

Make sure you use an oven glove when you pop these into the oven – it might be hot! Cook until they look good enough to eat – and KABOOM! You have perfect Bigjigs biscuits.

Bigjigs Candy Floss food mixer

Of course, you can make biscuits without the Candy Floss food mixer, but I have to say that this fabulous piece of kit adds a certain deliciousness to proceedings. There’s a clicking on/off dial and the liftable mixer actually rotates, so your little ones can feel just like Mummy and Daddy. There’s no end to the things you can create with this – cakes, biscuits, smoothies, bread – you name it, you can make it! 

So would we recommend the Bigjigs Candy Floss food mixer? You bet we would! It makes a great role play gift for all ages from tiny tot to independent baker. My only criticism? The colour! It’s lovely, and my 3 do like it, but it would be nice to see another colour added to the range in case any budding chefs would prefer a less pastel look in their kitchen. 



  1. June 2, 2015 / 9:13 pm

    Hahaha funny review. I love Bigjigs wooden toys and this looks like lots of fun. Agree with you about colour though.
    Sian recently posted…Half Term FunMy Profile

  2. June 2, 2015 / 10:31 pm

    What a lovely review and you can see from the photos how much the children love playing with the wooden toys. We have something similar and it has certainly passed the test of time
    Thanks for the lovely linky xx
    Tracey @ mummyshire recently posted…Pizza for Pirates {Book Review} #TriedTestedMy Profile

  3. June 4, 2015 / 10:25 pm

    This looks really cute! There is something so lovely about wooden toys!
    Ali recently posted…What if…My Profile

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