Welcome to the world

Some of you will have noticed I have been somewhat missing in action over the last week. There’s a very good reason for that. 

Meet Eliza Grace.

Eliza, baby 4

Born on the 3rd June 2015 at 6.03pm, weighing 6lb 6oz. She surprised us all by arriving a month before her due date, but is doing amazingly well and we are all in love with her. I will update with a full birth story and postnatal update soon, but for now I am off to enjoy my brand new bundle of loveliness. 



  1. June 15, 2015 / 9:06 pm

    Massive, massive congratulations. She is lovely #maternitymondays
    Another Bun recently posted…#whyIbreastfeedMy Profile

  2. June 20, 2015 / 10:19 pm

    Congratulations again Kate – she’s so lovely. And I’m so happy for you that you managed to get your skin to skin and no need for the SCBU.
    tobygoesbananas recently posted…Living Arrows 24/52 {2015}My Profile

  3. June 30, 2015 / 7:54 pm

    Beautiful elite Grace 🙂 Thanks so much for linking up to #MaternityMatters x x

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