What’s in my changing bag?

It was only a very short time ago that I was packing my hospital bag, and now I am home with my gorgeous 13 day old baby girl. Since then, the baby hospital bag has been unpacked, and repacked for its daily role as a changing bag, equipped to deal with a newborn and a toddler.

Pink Lining changing bag

So, 13 days down the line from the hospital, what’s in my bag? I unpacked today for the purpose of this post, to find:

Pink Lining changing bag

  • Red baby book – this has been in my bag since hospital so that it is always handy for midwife visits and weight clinics.
  • Aldi Mamia baby wipes – an essential
  • Pink Lining changing mat and wet bag – these came with the bag and have been used daily. The wet bag is perfect for nappies or dirty clothes.
  • Bib – handy to have for feeding times.
  • 2 x Tots Bots Easyfit nappies for Max. The bag needs to hold supplies for both Max and Eliza, and so there are always a couple of clean nappies in there.
  • 3 x newborn disposable nappies for Eliza. She’s too small for cloth yet, so for now a handful of Tesco newborn nappies are always in the bag.
  • Muslin cloth – good for a feeding cover up or for mopping up any baby sick!
  • Clean vest – it’s always handy to have spare clothes for a newborn – you never know when there might be a nappy incident 😉
  • Max’s juice cup and a snack bar – I never leave the house without supplies for him – snacks and juice have saved the day on many occasions!
  • Keys, wallet, phone and sunglasses – this is literally all I carry for myself – how times have changed!
  • A teacup and a Hot Wheels car – I don’t know why these are in my changing bag – I blame a child!

So that’s my average daily bag contents. All the things I need to get out of the house with a newborn and a toddler in tow – is there anything I have forgotten? What are your essentials? I’d also love to know what funny things you find in your changing bag? As well as a teacup and a toy car, I have found all sorts of things over the years. Just in the last week I have found:funny changing bag items

  • Max’s sunglasses and the remains of this very sticky cake – aren’t toddlers delightful?!
  • A Tangled book and LeapReader pen
  • 2 pots of half used bubbles
  • A wooden train and a warning sign
  • A Lottie doll, complete with wellies and raincoat

I wonder what I will find next week?!

* This is my entry into the Pink Lining Ambassador Search. *




  1. June 17, 2015 / 1:08 pm

    Great post. Love knowing what’s in people’s bags! Maybe I am just a little too nosey…
    I don’t have a changing bag anymore but my handbag and coat pockets always seem to be full of receipts and the odd toy! Before I always used to find either a pair of knickers or a pull up nappy!
    Beth recently posted…A Typical Day | Before And After.My Profile

  2. June 17, 2015 / 11:12 pm

    This is so voyeristic…it’s great! Congrats on the new arrival. Our changing bag shows a different level of development. It has a travel potty in it and probbaly 3,000 raisins that are probably at least four years old! #MMWBH
    John Adams recently posted…She was the one in ten chance baby!My Profile

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