Not long ago, I received a very exciting email – I had been chosen as a Pink Lining Ambassador. I have to say I was over the moon. I have always been a Pink Lining fan, and have previously reviewed their Mama et Bebe changing bag, as well as the…

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It was only a very short time ago that I was packing my hospital bag, and now I am home with my gorgeous 13 day old baby girl. Since then, the baby hospital bag has been unpacked, and repacked for its daily role as a changing bag, equipped to deal…

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Having had 2 previous premature births, and with this baby being a bit of a tinker, I decided it was high time I packed my bags for the hospital. Baby could come any time now, and I want to make sure I have everything I need.  What’s in my bag?…

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Pink Lining are one of my all time favourite companies. I love their seamless pairing of practicality and style. I love their Not so Plain Jane and Mama et Bebe changing bags, and I was over the moon when I heard that they were expanding their range to include a…

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Back at the end of last year, I reviewed the rather lovely Not so Plain Jane bag from the Pink Lining range. I fell head over heels for this bag, and it is still used on a daily basis now. It’s my go-to bag every time we venture out of the house,…

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