Project 365 2015, week 37

I can’t believe we are in September and the kids are going back to school – Gemma into Year 5 and Jacob into Year 3. It’s been a busy week, trying to sort out all the boxes while we temporarily stay at my mums, and getting back into a school and after school club routine. Here is our project 365, week 37.

project 365

project 365

project 365

Tots Bots PeeNut

project 365

project 365

project 365

Day 242 – We took the kids to Morrisons for lunch but sadly we had a ridiculously long wait for food. The children were so good and waited nicely, but you could see Max was fed up!

Day 243 – Back to school – Year 5 and Year 3

Day 244 – The paddling pool in our local park gets emptied around mid September so I took Max for a last splash about.

Day 245 – Eliza has been busy trying out the new Tots Bots PeeNut nappy, and I just adore this photo.

Day 246 – Not the best photo as was taken from a vehicle, but this is our house – it now has a roof going on! I am so excited.

Day 247 – At 14 weeks, Eliza rolled over for the first time.

Day 248 – Max dotes on Eliza, he is always kissing and cuddling her.



  1. September 12, 2015 / 3:54 pm

    Wow, how exciting that your house is taking shape! Such cute pictures of your little ones this week – love the photo of your grumpy Max!
    Sarah W (@sarahMo3W) recently posted…Project 365 2015 Week 37My Profile

  2. September 12, 2015 / 7:43 pm

    It must be so nice seeing your house being built and knowing it is yours and no one else has ever lived in it! Lovely pics of your kiddos 🙂
    76sunflowers recently posted…Project 365 2015 #37My Profile

  3. September 12, 2015 / 7:51 pm

    Every time I see Eliza she seems to have grown…Such a sweetie!
    The house looks fab! It looks like it’s really coming together now 🙂 x
    Kim Carberry recently posted…Project 365 – Week 37My Profile

  4. September 12, 2015 / 9:00 pm

    Hope the first week back was a good one. We were all a bit drained by Friday. Well done little Eliza for rolling over, she looks very pleased, quite rightly 🙂
    Notmyyearoff recently posted…The Last WeekendMy Profile

  5. September 12, 2015 / 11:20 pm

    awww gorgeous photo of your family. Such smiley back to school photos and I also made the most of an outdoor park pool before it gets shut again. your daughter is growing fast isn’t she? and yay about your new house being almost complete – that much be so exciting x
    jenny paulin recently posted…Project 365 2015, Week 37My Profile

  6. September 13, 2015 / 9:24 am

    the house news is exciting 🙂 your kids are all growing up so fast!!!
    Chantelle Hazelden recently posted…Silent SundayMy Profile

  7. September 13, 2015 / 3:51 pm

    Ooo how exciting to see your house getting built! Eliza looks so cute and is getting so big already!
    LauraCYMFT recently posted…Meeting a New PuppyMy Profile

  8. September 17, 2015 / 1:50 pm

    the house is looking good, do you have a moving in date yet? we’re staying in my parents house for the week while we’re on holiday in the UK and it’s hard work, hope you’re all getting on well together

  9. September 17, 2015 / 4:29 pm

    Only ate once at our local Morrisons and we waited ages too! The food wasn’t worth waiting for!
    We used to visit our second house when it was being built. It’s exciting watching it take shape.
    Lovely photo of Max and Eliza.
    Su Tyler recently posted…Week 37 Project365 – 2015My Profile

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