Using colour in your branding

psychology of colour


Did you know that 85% of consumers cite colour as the main reason why they buy a particular product? 80% meanwhile, believe a colour scheme can make brands more recognisable, while a staggering 90% say judgement is subconsciously based on colour alone. 

I have considered a lot of this lately, while I have been playing around with some blog rebranding. I wanted to use colours that not only appealed to me personally, but also appealed to the majority of my readers. On top of that, I want the colours I use to reflect me, my personality, and what I write about – a bit of a tall order! But colour really can say so much. Colour branding can also reveal something about the product – for example; to me a monochrome colour scheme suggests clean, simple and efficient. A colour scheme of pastel colours could be a calm, soothing item, whereas a lot of bright, neon colours could suggest fun, energetic and loud.

I have considered getting some stylus pens in my blog colour scheme – they would be perfect for blog events and days out – I am a big believer in branding being continuous across social media, business cards and any other ways you promote yourself.

Who knew colour could say so much? It’s not always a conscious decision, but colour can definitely influence the things we buy, the blogs we read and the brand we become loyal to.

*This is a collaborative post *


1 Comment

  1. Margaret Gallagher
    March 17, 2016 / 7:49 pm

    I’d say this research is believable -I tend to go for items that are colourful and suitable to the person I’m buying for ie age skin colour or particular logos
    Probably a lot is not a conscious decision but I’ll be more aware next time I’m buying something

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