Goodness where are these Tuesdays coming from? I can’t believe it’s already time for another #TriedTested! Does anyone else feel like time is running away with them – I am sure it was only Friday just a minute ago?!
Welcome to another week of #TriedTested! Of course we wouldn’t be able to say that without you lovely lot returning each and every week to link up your favourite reviews and taking time to read and comment on others. We have always been really proud of the fact that the bloggers joining in with #TriedTested are keen commenters; let’s face it there’s no point in linking up if you’re not going to get lots of lovely people reading your post is there – so gold stars all round. You’re ace, keep it up!
Please have a quick read through the points below to make sure you know how things are working:
* Tried & Tested is open on Tuesday – from 8am to midnight on the same day
* We’d love to share your post on Twitter – please tweet us your link (@Lollinski & @FamilyFever) along with the #TriedTested hashtag and we’ll retweet that for you
* If you’d like Colette to tweet you a reminder each week when the linky is open then please drop her a tweet (@Lollinski) and she’ll add you to the list
* Each week we feature our two favourite reviews from the past week and we have a super special “featured blogger” badge! If you are this week’s featured blogger we will send you over the code which we would love you to add to you blog post or sidebar!
So if this is your first time here then welcome along, where have you been? You can find out more about #TriedTested and how to join in here. If you’re a regular then welcome to you too, it’s lovely to have you back! Crack on, link up and share some commenty love – let’s face it, that’s what makes linkys work.
This week we have loved:
Gary the Cat review from The Brick Castle – Gary the Cat arrived from a sender unknown and seems to have his paws firmly under the table now! This post made us laugh all the way through 🙂
Cuddledry CuddlePaw towel review from Mama Geek – we are both big Cuddledry fans, and this one is just a little bit cute!
We don’t have lots of rules for #TriedTested however the ones we do have are really important:
* Please do make sure you visit your hosts Family Fever and We’re going on an adventure to leave a comment on the posts we have each linked up
* Try to comment on a couple of other posts as well if you can – we know that people really appreciate the feedback!
* We do ask that you link a maximum of 2 posts each week to keep things fair for everyone – if you choose to link up an extra post please make sure you visit extra posts in the linky to balance it out. (Additional or irrelevant posts will be deleted out of fairness.)
* Please don’t link up a linky or comment on other people’s posts asking them to join your linky too as it’s really not good etiquette!
We do our best to visit each post to leave a comment but we can’t promise to get round everyone every week! Please bear with me if I don’t get to you – despite moving house in December I still don’t have a broadband connection – the perils of buying a new build!

Thank you so much for featuring Gary – glad he made you laugh 😀 x
Jenny @ thebrickcastle recently posted…Playing With Yoxo Cardboard Construction Toy (Currently only available in the US)
Thanks for hosting
Mummy Fever recently posted…The big blogiversary giveaway: day eight
thanks for hosting x
Thanks for hosting! Finally getting round to reading some posts!! #TriedTested x
Baby Isabella recently posted…Going Nutty for Putty!