Giveaway| Win a Just Us Box subscription

As busy parents, finding time for a date night can be impossible. 

Just Us Box

JustUsBox was started by when 2 working Mums realised that their relationships were ending up at the bottom of the to do list. Even when the working day was over, the housework was done, the cats fed and the kids were in bed, the laptops, phone, tablets and TV were always on!

So, they decided to do something about it and created a date night subscription box so that busy parents, working couples and time-strapped lovers were able to put aside just one night per month to dedicate to each other and re-connect.

With a monthly box delivered to your door all you need to do is book a date in your calendar, open your box and enjoy some love, laughs and lust – just the 2 of you! I have teamed up with Just Us Box to offer one lucky winner the chance to get their hands on a 3 month subscription. You will receive a monthly themed box containing everything you need for a date night without Facebook or Sky+ – a great way to rediscover your relationship.

Just Us Box

Just Us Box


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Terms and conditions. Giveaway ends 11th Sept 16. Prize consists of one 3 month subscription from, the winner will be notified on the 11th September 2016 and receive their first Pillows & Poetry’ Date Box by the 22nd September 2016 and then 2 further boxes in October and November. No Cash Equivalent. UK Residents only please. Only one entry per household. By entering this competition you agree to receive email communications from JustUsBox but can unsubscribe at any time. More competitions at ThePrizeFinder



  1. Caroline Signey
    September 9, 2016 / 9:33 pm

    Taxi to a posh restaurant with lovely food and wine, then a romantic walk along the river

  2. paula cheadle
    September 9, 2016 / 11:08 pm

    a lovely meal made by my other half for a change

  3. katrina adams
    September 10, 2016 / 6:05 am

    dinner by candlelight, walking off dinner along the beach and then getting home, lighting the fire and snuggling under blankets while we spend the night talking and laughing.

  4. Clare Hubbard
    September 10, 2016 / 7:06 am

    A night out without the kids, a nice meal followed by a trip to the cinema sounds perfect.

  5. Jean Vaughan
    September 10, 2016 / 10:32 am

    A home cooked special meal with good wine, truffles (chocolate) , a good film and peace!

    September 10, 2016 / 11:29 am

    Meal & a film

  7. Carly Belsey
    September 10, 2016 / 12:48 pm

    A meal that none of us had to cook so a takeaway basically, a chat and a giggle and just enjoying quality time together

  8. Lorna Peppiatt
    September 10, 2016 / 2:45 pm

    Nice seafood restaurant by the river, bottle of Rose, slow walk home and chill!

  9. Kerry Brown
    September 10, 2016 / 3:00 pm

    Meal out, cinema and a walk along the beach

  10. gemma Middleton
    September 10, 2016 / 4:16 pm

    We like to surprise each other with nights away to quirky little hotels. We walk and eat in hidden restaurants. I can’t think of anything more perfect x

  11. Karl Borowy
    September 10, 2016 / 5:16 pm

    With wife at restarant

  12. Joanne Austin
    September 10, 2016 / 5:55 pm

    Champagne and chocolates watching my favourite film

  13. Natalie Crossan
    September 10, 2016 / 7:15 pm

    A romantic meal x

  14. September 10, 2016 / 9:53 pm

    Cooking a lovely meal and curling up with a movie and chocolates

  15. Pia Stephens
    September 10, 2016 / 10:49 pm

    Someone to look after our 3 little ones and us two being able to go out for a lovely meal and sleep in a luxurious queen size bed in a hotel somewhere <3

  16. George Wright
    September 10, 2016 / 11:39 pm

    Dinner and a movie

  17. September 10, 2016 / 11:45 pm

    Anything with my boyfriend is a perfect date night, but we dont need to go out. I love a good cosy night in with a home cooked meal and snuggling under a big duvet watching a film. 🙂

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