Playmobil is a big favourite in our house, and the Fire Chief’s Car and Playmobil Pirates are played with most days. They seem to bridge the different ages well, with Gemma, Jacob and Max able to enjoy them equally.
We were recently sent the FulguriX from the Playmobil Super 4 range, which includes the Technopolis craft, disc shooter, detachable drone and Agent Gene and Franz figures. Max originally thought this was a spacecraft, and although it is described as a flying car, it really could be anything your child wants it to be!
As with most Playmobil, it is pretty simple to make, and although this is recommended for children over 5, Max was able to put it together with help. There are only a few small pieces, and once built, I would say it is suitable for most pre-schoolers.
The 4 engine thrusters can be rotated around, and the front and rear windscreens can be folded up and down to take figures and items in and out. The front windscreen opens smoothly, but the rear is more difficult – we found that you needed to put your fingers inside and push it open from underneath, which is a bit fiddly. It could do with some sort of button or handle to make opening easier. Underneath the bonnet are 4 fuel tanks, which can be taken in and out, and there is a drone with a detachable prop stand, which is ideal for extending play.
Max’s favourite part of this set is the detachable disc shooter. There are 3 small discs – one fits into the shooter, and you can hang the 2 spares on the side. The discs are released by pulling 2 levers towards you, and Max is able to manage this himself without help. The discs travel a long way, so make sure you shoot them in a spacious area!
This is a fantastic addition to our Playmobil collection, and one that has been an instant hit with all the children. I can see this getting years of play, and being used alongside other toys to create imaginary worlds and play scenes.
This looks fab. My boys still play with playmobil on occasion now #TriedTested
Louise Fairweather recently posted…Parmesan Chicken In Bolognese Sauce
I have fond memories of Playmobil from my childhood so I can’t wait until Finn is old enough to appreciate it. The fulgurix looks amazing, I bet it went down well. #TriedTested
This looks like a lot of fun and WOW, how big has Max got! #TriedTested
Super Busy Mum recently posted…A special morning with #BAFTAkids in London
Playmobil is so great for several years, and I love toys that you can add stuff to and have a collection and can be played with other kids. Looks fab x #triedtested
Mary Smith recently posted…Grief is just around the corner
My little ones are still at that stage where they put everything in their mouths. #TriedTested
Helena recently posted…Reviews, Recordings and a Little Reminder #LittleLoves
He looks so pleased with his Playmobil, great set.
Stephanie recently posted…Our weekend in pictures – Week 16
This looks like so much fun! Mine aren’t into Playmobil and prefer Lego but I think they would like this set #TriedTested
Maria recently posted…An unexpected Mother’s Day in hospital
Well……very nice….Thank you for share!