It seems like the sun has reappeared – hopefully it’s here to stay this time! As soon as the sun comes out, I am ready with the hats and suncream, because the little blonde 2 burn very easily. It’s so easy to get caught out, especially in this country – even when it doesn’t feel THAT hot to us, the kids can burn in a matter of minutes.
Holiday Gems have come up with a sun safety list for the summer months, which I have found really helpful:
- Sun cream. So easy to forget, especially when you are just playing in the garden or the local park. If you are heading abroad this year, pack sun cream in your suitcase as it can be a lot more expensive in other countries. Make sure you use a high factor sun cream suitable for the weather, and a sun block for tiny babies.
- Cover up. Your head is the first place the sun will hit, and an uncovered head can lead to sunstroke and sunburn. Try and get kids in to the habit of wearing a hat whenever you go out, even if you are just in the garden or popping to the shop – then it quickly becomes normal. Keep shoulders covered with a tshirt, sun suit or sarong.
- Wear shades. Invest in a pair of sunglasses with UV protection, which will block UVA and UVB rays.
- Limit exposure. The hottest time of the day tends to be between 10-4. If you are abroad, try and limit the amount of exposure during that time by taking a rest in the shade or heading inside for a drink or a splash in the pool. Little ones may enjoy a siesta when it’s really hot. As a general rule, if your shadow is shorter than you, the sun is at its strongest and it may be time for a break.
- Kid care. Even waterproof and ‘all day’ suncreams need reapplying more often than you think. If your little one has been in the water, it’s always safest to apply a fresh layer of suncream when they come out.
If the worst happens and you do burn, it’s important to take good care of yourself. Apply cool water and calamine lotion to the sore skin, or get hold of some after sun. If you feel tired, weak and dizzy, or are suffering from a headache, sickness, a fast pulse or symptoms of dehydration then lie down in a dark room, drink plenty of fluids and remove any unnecessary clothing. If sunstroke symptoms persist then you should seek medical advice.
I have teamed up with Holiday Gems to offer one of you the chance to win a sun care kit – ideal for the summer holidays.
Terms and conditions. Open to UK residents, giveaway ends 9/8/17. Winner will be randomly selected from all correctly completed entries and contacted by email. Winner should claim their prixe within 10 days or it may be redrawn. Prize supplied directly by Holiday Gems.
Don’t forget your lips! I burned my lips in Australia and they blistered so I’d always advocate wearing sunscreen chapstick.
stay out of sun during hottest parts of the day, wear high factor SPF and keep re=applying, drink lots of fluids
Wear a hat, lots of suncream, drink plenty of water and find shade or go inside during the hottest part of the day.
Make sure you put on your sun protection about half an hour before you go out as it needs some time to work first.
Wear a hat I once burnt the top of my head and it was the worst
Avoid peak hours of the sun and find shade where possible
Remember to put sun protection on your parting and tops of your ears
always use suncream even in the shade, use a scalp/hair protection spray too
wear a hat
I think it has to be a good sun hat. People sometimes forget.
Loose cotton clothes, plenty of sun cream and stay hydrated!
Always spray your hair with hair spf as your scalp can burn too.
stay in during the hottest times 12-4pm
use plenty of cream avoid hottest times of the day and drink plenty of fluids
apply sun cream half an hour before sun exposure and reapply thrroughout day
apply suncream everyday through the summer months – even if the day starts out looking gloomy!
Always apply suncream – even on the cloudiest of days!
Always check the UVA stars on suncream
Take advantage of those free smartphone apps that pop up to remind you to top up on the sun cream every now and again…it’s easy to forget. x
cover up and i always wear a hat